The thing I like most about the fediverse, unlike reddit, is that people are genuinely posting things they care about or like, rather than posting to be a karma whore. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve posted in reddit and it instantly gets stolen and used in another sub simply to get easy karma. It’s refreshing to not have that here. That’s all. Thanks!

    2 years ago

    That’s why i don’t understand why people just want to make everything reddit 2. A lot of things on reddit are relicts from a cringe time, or some things that clearly didn’t work. And still, people don’t move on, now there is a time to not call everything porn. Foodporn earthporn, it’s so dumb, but people insist. The marijuana subreddit is called trees, so every month someone can make a post about an actual tree and everyone can laugh at this very funny joke.