Jet Set Radio, Chu Chu Rocket
HEY HEY HEY! Come on over and have some fun with CRAZY TAXI!
Day after day…
Persona is owned by SEGA so that probably counts
Comix Zone
Super Monkey Ball
Discovered Yakuza during Covid, and I don’t think I could get more game per $ than I got with the series! For like $5 a game, I got at least 80 hours of play on each title and that’s not even 100‰ completion.
For a casual gamer like myself, it’s great buying them at a huge discount if what they’re worth and they’re full of so many side quests and mini games that I can just goof off as Kiryu for as long as I want.
The only thing I remember not liking is some of the poker and blackjack games are rigged/not random, which for all the things they put in these things seems trivial to have an actual working casino game.
The Shinobi series has always been a good time.
Toe Jam and Earl 1 and 2. That’s right, I like 2!
I always liked the House of the Dead series.
I haven’t played all of the Phantasy Star games but Phantasy Star 4 was really good.
Space Channel 5
Chu chu chu, baby 😉
Left, right, left, right, chu, chu, chu!
All i want is a remaster of that game and JSRF.
Chakan: The Forever Man
Not produced by Sega but Shining Force and Shining Force II. And does anyone remember Vectorman? Tried to compete with DK Country with the pre-rendered 3D graphics.
The Virtua Fighter series never hooked me as a game, but the 3D graphics in the early arcade machines looked awesome at the time. It felt like a glimpse of the future.
Space Channel 5
Jet Set Radio
Panzer Dragoon
Wonder Boy
Alex Kidd
Streets Of Rage
Puyo PuyoOutRun series, especially OutRunners and OutRun 2.
Jet Set Radio Future.
Most people would consider it completely outclassed by competing Gran Turismo 3 and the later Forza Motorsport 1, but Sega GT 2002 is really nostalgic for me and I’d still love to actually beat it some day.
I’m not a beat em up fan but I’d call Streets of Rage 4 the best game in a genre I mostly don’t like.
I also don’t really like 3D fighters, but I greatly prefer Virtua Fighter and especially Fighting Vipers (and Sonic the Fighters but you said no Sonic) over Bandai Namco or Koei Tecmo’s offerings.
They didn’t make it, but published it, Vanquish