Have they tried not making the cashiers stand there the entire shift? Was gobsmacked when I saw that in supermarkets; like some sort of childish power-move to not let them sit
Try that in Europe, you’d end up in court lol
The given excuse is “Customers don’t like seeing you sitting down.”
as a customer in Europe I want my chashier to be comfortable while working, it means they don’t get tired as fast and won’t make as many mistakes that come from being tired
USA is just weird
More like it means they won’t develop lower back problems and dodgy knees later in life
If customers “prefer” to see cashiers standing, your customers are utter cunts 😂
Its rarely the customers that actually complain, it is usually spineless executives that see their employees and their customers as dollars
Rare?!?!? What kind of fucking horrible human being do you even have to be to complain about someone sitting down?!?
I think yous cunts are using that whole “death penalty” thing on the wrong motherfuckers 😂
If you’ve ever worked retail or food service, you’d know exactly the Becky, Karen or Kyle that would complain to the manager about that. Made me really appreciate the good management that I had when they’d tell the bitches to fuck off with that bullshit
Worked retail for about 20 years. Could probably count on both hands the amount of times people were rude to me. That was in Scotland though, they’re at least partly civilised
Have they actually polled customers? It seems like the bosses don’t like seeing them sitting down.
And regardless of what the customers think, don’t the employees matter?
Employees don’t matter in the US.
fuck racism and homophobia, cashiers sitting down is the worst offense in this universe
The thing is it’s fucking true, if the law doesn’t require it certain Karens WILL complain to a manager if they see someone sitting down.
When I was working at McDonald’s I was on a break and grabbed a pop from the lobby. Some guy waiting for his order saw me, got upset, and asked me specifically how much longer his order was going to be. I don’t know dude, but they are taking care of it. I can’t make your patty cook faster by going over and staring at it.
Well why the hell not??
I figured it was because of our fucked up “if there’s time to lean, there’s time to clean” mentality.
Actually only the shittiest customers mind that.
The ones who get your attention by clearing their throat.
The ones who whistle to get your attention. I have a coworker who fucking hates that. I feel a bit disrespected by it but he will talk about it for days if a customer whistles at him.
The ones who ask you to tell them which appliance is the best one.
The ones who are already glaring when they see you. The ones who come to your section, when a different section’s staff is nowhere to be found, and say “Think maybe I could get some help??” as if the reason you weren’t helping them was laziness.
The ones who bitch about nobody working and how service is so bad, completely failing to understand that you are the one at work, doing your job and that the people they’re pissed at are home, not there in front of them.
…even supermarkets have seats in Latin America for the cashiers
EU, I belive in you!
To be fair I don’t remember ever seeing cashiers stand in Russia either.
Baby boomers will quit from natural causes though
This comment is gold
Aw, my folks are boomers and I hate thinking about this :'(
It is a shame that there are no generations between Boomers and Z…
No no, don’t bring millennials into this! We’re just trying to mind our own business…
Gen X is forgotten again…
That’s because nobody knows generation X’s real identity… Some speculate they’re millennial’s older sibling, but nobody can really tell behind the mask.
Bit of a mystery, that gen x. Has anyone even seen an actual x’r irl? Kinda sure it just went silent > boomer > millennial, but I’m certain I’m wrong.
E: by my estimation, that would make the transitional cohort either boomials or milloomers.
Gen X is not solved yet
x = mellinial -1
Ah, you finally learned from Gen X?
Let’s see how long that lasts.
As a millennial I’m just glad that everything isn’t my fault now 👍
Complete disappointment tbh
Don’t hire baby boomers, they’ll expect to be able to buy a house and a car and raise a family on a part-time salary.
Then they’ll invite you out to go… bowling!
Boomers are 64 years or older. Most boomers are retired. This is just trolling
I’ve seen plenty of old folks working at places like this unfortunately. Social programs are really failing us
Walmart has sought out retirees, particularly for greeter positions, for a long time.
Retirement is overrated. My father “retired” nearly ten years ago and still keeps going back when his old employer offers him contracts. He’s financially comfortable, and every time he complains that “this is the last time I’m doing this”, then he goes back at the next opportunity.
60 years or older*. Plenty are still working, and not everyone retires exactly at 65. Especially these days…
I never implied 65, the retirement age in Norway is 67. But I thought Boomers were those born before 1960, so I guess I remembered that part wrong. 7 (or 5 in your country) years is a bit more than those 2 years, fair enough.
In the US, it’s 65 for the Boomers, but it’s been raised to 67 for the rest of us.
I see. In Norway it has been 67, since 1973 (it got lowered from 70). There has been talks about raising it to 70 again for the rest of us. I hope it won’t happen.
I think generally boomers generation ends in 1964/1965 20 years after the end of the war
It’s also dated 4/20. I’m amazed they didn’t manage to sneak a 69 in there somewhere to get the full meme potential out of it.
It would have been so easy too! “Must be born before '69 to apply”
The boyfriends standing there for the whole shift does sound bizarre. Maybe they were chatting with the cashiers the whole time and of course that wouldn’t be okay
I used to hang out and chat with my friends at their jobs for extended periods of time all the time when I was young. I just made sure not to interrupt or get in their way when they needed to deal with a customer. And their bosses were always cool with it.
They are human beings, and I want to buy stuff, not get undivided attention.
Well you’re supposed to be at work. To your employer or to customers it might look like you’re distracted and unprofessional, which would reflect badly on the store.
In the small grocery store around the corner where I live the cashier’s are listening to music, having phone calls with their earplugs in or watching videos with their phones lying near the register. The work is boring and repetitive, customer interaction is quite minimal there anyway because they are really fast in ringing you up anyway. And that’s everything I care about anyway. They can enjoy their day a bit more and I can get to doing what I enjoy fast, too.
If it’s fine for the employer then that’s obviously fine. They’re the one making the call on what’s allowed on their workplace after all.
I (a customer) was in a deep chitchat with a bike mechanic about some other outdoor hobby in a big US outdoor gear chain. For like 30min :-) Then I chatted about learning foreign languages (!) with the casheer.
I definitely found the experience memorable and have great association with the store’s brand!!!
it’s such a weird american thing that work only counts as real work if you’re miserable during it
Did you assume I’m American for some reason? I’m just talking about being professional at the work place and focusing on the work during it, a store wouldn’t like people chitchatting with their boyfriend the whole day where I live (Finland) either.
not you, specifically. but there’s many other examples, like how cashiers are expected to be standing during their work in the US
First of all, it’s an entire different things. There were people standing in areas they weren’t supposed to be standing in, possibly distracting the employee. Second of all, two things can be shitty - the cashiers having their boyfriends there all the time, and the bosses wanting a cashier to stand all the time. One doesn’t make the other worse or better, it’s just whataboutism.
Nah, more generational thing.
Do you also argue in favour of forcing cashiers to stand with the same argument?
I don’t. I think chitchatting with your boyfriend the whole day and being forced to stand (not a thing where I live) seem fairly separate.
If you don’t like the owners need for you to put in 40 hours of work then you can both separate ways like was done here.
This was probably more the cashiers got shouted at for talking to their boyfriends for a couple minutes when they came in.
Yeah because nobody ever got caught slacking off at work 🙄
You have no clue when the info here, you just WANT it to be his fault .
Its not that deep my guy, its a meme post.
BUT, lets engage your theory, why would they quit and not be fired if they were truly slacking off???
Because their boss wouldn’t let them act inappropriately at work, so they got pissed and quit
…And the store was permanently closed a month later.
I would love to see any boomer take this job.
Boomers are incredibly fragile. Any time they don’t understand something their go-to move is to get angry.
I was thinking more about the massive cognitive dissonance they’ll suffer between their wages (with this job) and the CoL.
“What do I do now?”
“What does it say on the screen?”
“What? Oh I uh … it says click here to continue”
“There you go”
“These things are so confusing”
picture of handwritten note taped to a window that criticizes Gen Z and praises Baby Boomers.
I’m not the brightest cookie in the toolshed but I know bait when I see it.
Edit: The top left hand corner of this is also dated 4/20. As the Brits would say “Someone’s taking the piss.”
Thank you for saying this. Whether this is a real sign or a fake sign, it should be treated as a fake sign.
Just hire the boyfriends?
And tell them how much their girlfriends suck? (no pun intended)
If this is real and in the US, I would love to see a Gen Xer or elder Millennial apply, make sure to mention their generation, and then get this dumbass owner to say in writing that they aren’t hiring them because they aren’t a Boomer.
IANAL, but that seems like a slam dunk age discrimination case as long as the applicant is at least 40.
Maybe pay one dollar above minimum wage and see if you get people to apply
That is a hilarious reason to have someone quit.
Hire the boyfriend to work the register next to your employee, so they CAN stand there for the entire shift, and even get PAID for it!
Yeah, but have you seen Aiden? Aiden sucks.
That’s a real good point!
Yeah Aiden sucks, but without Aiden, Lexi quits.