“You will own nothing and you will be happy” - Some rich fuck
Ubisoft should get more comfortable with losing any significance they had in the industry. Compared to others in the rest of the industry they are small potatoes. They definitely don’t hold enough power to force a subscription service on to the market. Their market cap is less then $3 billion even Zynga is worth more.
Misinformation. An article not as blatantly trying to manipulate people: https://www.ign.com/articles/ubisoft-exec-says-gamers-need-to-get-comfortable-not-owning-their-games-for-subscriptions-to-take-off?utm_source=twit
Its wild the difference 5 words make for a headline
It doesn’t make a difference. He still wants you to get comfortable with that. It doesn’t matter how he dresses up his sentences his thought process is the same, thats how he got to CEO.
But he’s not CEO. He’s the director of subscriptions at ubi, so of course he’s going to push this line of thinking; his job depends on it!
The good news is that Ubisoft’s stock fell ~10% once this soundbite took off, so hopefully other publishers read the room
The point of the dishonest article is to make you believe the CEO feels entitled to gamers becoming OK with subscription models. What he actually feels is a hope that subscription models will take off. It’s rage-bait. Did it work?
…you believe the CEO feels entitled to gamers becoming OK with subscription models. What he actually feels is a hope that subscription models will take off
That sounds like a distinction without a difference to me.
As I said, I didn’t read that one, but I feel like it did do something to you so probably yes.
People keep pointing this out like it’s some kind of misinformation.
The Ubisoft executive is saying gamers need to get comfortable not owning their games before subscription services will take off.
The Ubisoft executive would also very much like subscription services to take off.
QED the Ubisoft executive is saying “I’d really like gamers to get used to idea of not owning their games so our subscription service can take off”.
It comes back to the same thing: Ubisoft is saying aloud what they want the future of gaming to be.
And please don’t tell me you’re giving them the benefit of the doubt, here.
The problem is people apparently haven’t figured out yet how to read what the CEO of a for-profit company means when they say shit publicly about their services. Learn to read between the lines.
There’s a mile of difference between saying “consumers need to get comfortable not owning their games” and “we want consumers to get comfortable not owning their games (but using subscription services instead)”.
The former statement is extremely arrogant. The latter is just obvious. And it’s reasonable even if you or I personally don’t want to get our games on a subscription model - millions of people get their music through Spotify and it suits them just fine even though other people don’t want that. So it’s a way of straw-manning the people pushing subscriptions so you can hate them.
Thanks, I just linked the first article I found assuming it would be enough to get the point across, did it say something incorrect?
Ubisoft should get comfortable with the idea of going out of business. I refuse to buy anything of theirs or interact with their shit launcher. Bad practices and bad products combined mean bankruptcy and i hope it happens soon so decent companies can get ahold of their IPs and make some good games out of them because Ubisoft is clearly not interested in doing so
So you only buy a license? Like on Steam, Epic, and all the others? Shocking.
I think modern gamers are comfortable with this, they just haven’t realised it yet.
Or they buy on gog. Then they really have ownership.
Oh they expanded that? I remember when it was just “You will own nothing”.
The saying comes from an opinion piece that was sponsored by the WEF. You can read more about it on the Wikipedia page. The article presented a future where the climate problem was fixed because the entire economy was based on services instead of the production of goods. It certainly has some elements that could work, but also has relied heavily on the neoliberal “the market will fix it” mentality.
Are streaming services that different from cable TV? You’re paying for access to new content. If you want specific content to own, don’t they all let you buy them? I know I was able to buy GoT discs when I wasn’t willing to pay for an HBO subscription. Has that changed?
yup, the very popular stuff you can usually (but not always) buy on disk. the less popular stuff you can sometimes (but not often) buy on disk if the creator really pushes for it
Difference is that most games made anymore are online access dependent even if they aren’t dedicated multiplayer only games. What happens when subscriptions get so low that upkeep is unprofitable? You lose access to a game that you’ve paid a lot of money for, for no good reason as online isn’t necessary but the studios rarely patch it out at game sunset
The HP guy said it out loud about their printers
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The only subscriptions I am willing to pay for:
Phone bill - no choice
Internet bill - no choice
Insurance - no choice
World of Warcraft - sue me
Costco membership - worth it
VPN - worth itI don’t pay for any others. Paid for lifetime Plex for the convenience of not needing to pay for a website domain like I would for jellyfin, and self host my own music, tv, and movies
3 of those are services. Most subscription shit we see these days are products that they want us to treat like services even though there is no on going consumption. All of these software subscription services are just grifts.
The only thing he listed that isn’t a service is his Costco membership.
deleted by creator
Costco membership - worth it
Just got my Executive Membership rebate. It more than paid for the membership. We’re basically shopping at Costco for free.
Furthermore, Costco employees will never push you to get the executive membership, if your previous year did not have enough spending on it to at least pay back the difference.
We actually had the Costco customer service Tell us to cancel our executive membership, because we didn’t earn enough over the year
If somebody doesn’t shop at Costco enough to justify the executive membership, I’m not sure the regular membership would be justified either.
That’s kind of what we were thinking, too, which is why we went with it. We are a family of six, which means that we’re always going to buy big quantities of stuff somewhere; might as well be at Costco.
But you could get so many hotdogs!!??!!
Actually I understand you can get the Hot Dogs without the membership. Which also blows my mind. Thry should just compete with Weinerschnitzel.
Sorry but I fucking lost it at it your justification for Warcraft. And that’s from somebody who’s been playing it on and off since mid-lich King
I’ll pay you 3 quid a month for read access to your server.
Ha just kidding, fuck subscriptions
I use jellyfin without paying for a domain…?
I stream my Plex server to my parents and inlaws so local and wireguard only isn’t feasible
As everyone else here, I think piracy is illegal and immoral. We should accept that we don’t own our services and software and we should never doubt that corporations have our best interest in mind.
Therefore you should never have a Plex server, never use protonmail, never use AdGuard Home, never use AdGuard DNS for private DNS.
Also you should never use Firefox with UBlock origin sponsorblock and consent o magic.
Lastly you should never ever use re-vanced and x-manager, and God forbid don’t use a VPN
Edit: syntax
What is ad guard him?
AdGuard Home, it’s a DNS level ad blocker similar to PiHole
Excuse me, but it’s “they/them”.
Subscriptions are O(n)
One time purchases are O(1)
You want O(1)…
a subscription to a service
, wheren
is for how long you keep that service.instead purchasing the content provided by
individually, isO(m)
, wherem
is how much content you buy.if in one subscription term, you would spend more purchasing individual content than one subscription fee to
, it is financially more efficient to useX
.however, this assumes you will only consume a piece of content once, and dont care about having a physical/true copy of it.
scenario would be like a lifetime subscription toX
.ps: i am fully on the side of owning media, and i have no idea if this comment is actually true, it just sounds smart :-)
less than a cup of coffee
cup of coffee is now $12
Yeah but isn’t Netflix like $24/mo for the modern tier?
I’ve totally lost track, tbh.
Cup of coffee here is $0.1203668386
who is downvoting this? 😂 maybe they live in a poor country, or maybe they’re making an obscure joke. Why would people go past this comment and be like “nope, fuck this person”
Maybe they just love Starbucks and don’t like that I quoted the “street” price instead of the Starbucks price.
– Which still comes out to be $8.4 for 2.
Well nintendo switch online is like $3.99 for a month or $20.00 for a year.
I get that services need to pay for staff/servers/production, so I’m fine with small monthly fees. I’d much rather pay than sit through ads.
Once a subscription creeps over six or seven bucks a month I’m gonna reevaluate it and start cutting.
It really annoys me that newspapers charge the same for digital and paper subscriptions.
You’re paying for the content in the case of the newspapers. It is a similar cost to print on newsprint as to run a website. It saves them no money. Most of what you are paying for is for the journalism, writing, editing, etc. Content costs money.
That definitely depends on which news outlet we’re talking about.
Exactly. The reason I cancel my subscriptions is because there’s been a nosedive in content that I enjoy, which has tipped the scales to it costing more than it’s worth to me.
I’ve moved to a Plex setup, but even then I don’t watch many shows at all. The ones I do watch are all on different platforms though, so it would be X many subscriptions just to watch the few shows I like.
That’s counterintuitive, do you have a source for that?
EDIT: googling around, I don’t see any obvious answers.
This is the point here.
Many people have no idea of the infrastructure and costs needed to run many of these servers that provide services to people.
I disagree with things like Adobe basically using it for DRM but have no issue for services that are literally serving millions of people and providing something worthwhile that the majority of the population would otherwise not know how to do on their own.
There is some nuance to it, like offering a service and then slowly creeping costs up or adding an advertisement tier and dropping everyone to that etc is crap. But in general, if they are providing a decent service then I don’t really have a problem with it.
I agree that ongoing infrastructure costs money, but several years of that should be included in the original estimate and pricing for the sale of the product. Plan for the sale price being cost to make+5 years of estimated maintenance for base product+profit margin. Then extend maintenance with each DLC if any. If no dlc then offer subscription to pay for servers and other infrastructure, if subscriptions fail to cover that then sunset the product but open source the server infrastructure so the community can pay to run it if desired.
I hate people defending subscriptions. They are not required for anything other than insurance or something you guaranteed will keep, like phone contracts. If they need more money for content, release content packs and dlc. Online should not cost, especially if someone like Nintendo is using peer2peer or will shut down the online servers anyways at some point.
I prefer paying for services with my money insead of with my data, but I can see both sides.🤷
Paying with your money and your data is more likely. The issue is not subscriptions imo either. It is getting sucked into megacorp schemes that will destroy competition with cheap prices and then enshittify and or raise prises once there is no alternative. Oh, and influence legislators to make competition illegal (youtube got big on copyright infringement).
Therefore I reduce megacorp stuff. I shop local, watch my dvds and started buying music again.
They can fuck off. So can everyone who has this neat reason why resistance to megacorps is futile.
Sure, I too would prefer to pay with money instead of data. But that’s a false dichotomy. Many of the services that require subscription also collect your data. Whereas offline local solutions do not collect your data. There are things were you pay with money and data, there are things where you pay with just money, or just data, and there are things where you don’t pay at all. So it isn’t really a ‘both sides’ issue.
Thats true, and as it is, its impossible to be completely rid of data harvesting services. I made the switch to proton to get out of googles mail, drive and photo solutions, the have a vpn included aswell. but yeah, I would never trust Google, Microsoft, meta or any of those to not collect data, no matter what they promise.
Subscription based service makes data harvesting much easier. Spotify can force you to connect to their server even if you downloaded your song, in the name of “verifying your subscription”.
Buy the songs, buy the movie, take them offline.
That being said there are good subscription based service, like home assistant cloud, where all your communications are always E2E encrypted and cannot be seen by their server. Their subscription model is justified, as they rent their servers.
I’m pretty sure you’re paying with both as it is
I prefer not paying
Online servers cost money.
Id rather an online game charge me a monthly subscription and give me access to all content rather than ftp with half the content in the cash shop.
I also don’t mind a subscription, if its reasonably priced and it’s easy to cancel. But you could also have one time payment and all the content plus online. Elden Ring has that for example.
You shouldn’t have to pay to use someone else’s computer? Also there’s more software than just games in the world, I don’t see how loot boxes would work for google drive.
Piracy is wrong and immoral! You should never use mullvad or proton with port forwarding off to pirate things!
mullvad dropped port forwarding a few months ago. AirVpn on the other side…
port forwarding isn’t necessary and it’s a security hole…not that I would ever pirate anything, that would be immoral!
I agree with that. I was just clarifying that Mullvad no longer offers port forwarding.
Well somebody needs an open port, otherwise you ain’t downloading anything.
Cups of coffee money is what donations for FOSS devs is for.
Dropbox, Spotify, and a VPN are worth it: fight me.
Sure, Spotify doesn’t pay artists enough and I miss having Neil Young available for streaming, but what are the other options that work well in the car? I’m not going to go back to using discs or plugging in MP3 players to the aux port, and I don’t mind paying the bands directly for merch/albums if I’m really a fan. Considering I mostly listen to vinyl at home, I’m not paying Spotify for music; I’m paying Spotify for the convenience of being able to not listen to terrestrial radio and to be able to listen to what I like in the car or at work without the need for Youtube.
And my personal Dropbox account that I also use for work is well worth 15$/mo for 2TB of storage. It’s saved me so much grief to be able to back up phone photos, access my work files from any computer, keep records of my personal documents, etc., and the software is both more cost effective and better designed than Google Drive or OneDrive. PDF’s of my RPG books/characters/maps? Dropbox. Grocery list text file? Dropbox. Place to stash tabs/sheet music that is easily kept organized without the need for a physical copy? Dropbox. Phone number of that parent who saw my partner’s car get tagged in the parking lot at school? Wait, I think I have her phone number in an spreadsheet from when I coached her daughter in tee-ball…gimme a sec…yep, it’s in my Dropbox. In a side note, Dropbox may have turned me into a digital hoarder.
But the rest of this subscription-based garbage can get bent.
I recently switched from Spotify to Deezer. They offer high fidelity audio streaming which is a very noticable difference. Also, they’re a bit cheaper, and you can easily move all your songs/saved playlists to Deezer
You need to be a certain kind of person to perceive audio quality difference. One, you need to be able to detect the difference. Two, you need to be able to appreciate the difference. And Three, which everyone seems to ignore, you need to have bought a sufficiently expensive device that can make the difference.
In short, if you have an $18 desktop speaker, get the FLAC outta here.
Not really. It’s noticeable over Bluetooth as well, if your device supports codecs with a high enough bitrate. Obviously Bluetooth is still lossy, but listening experience is way better. The headphones I’m wearing now use aptxHD, with a bitrate of 576kbps. Spotify only offers AAC, with a bitrate of 256kbps.
As far as who can appreciate the difference, I guess? But you don’t need to be a concert pianist to appreciate audio. That said, I play many instruments, so maybe I’m biased.
Do a blind test between 256kbps and 576kbps. I dare you.
I’m not going to argue conjecture. I have over $10,000 in audio equipment and like I already said I play many instruments, so you’re not even picking someone good to make generalizations about. Bluetooth codecs are always going to be subpar, but they’re probably how most people listen to streaming services most of the time. Anything that is streaming from a PC except Bluetooth is a notable difference.
I just checked the headphones I’m wearing again, they’re actually using aptx lossless with a bitrate of 1200kbps. The point is that Deezer offers the same services for less money and higher quality audio streaming.
Apparently, when Spotify does roll out hifi, it will probably be a higher paid tier. Until then, for me, Deezer is the far superior service.
That’s a good tip; I hadn’t heard of that one yet. Is their library as comprehensive as Spotify?
It’s almost identical.
I transferred about 10,000 songs and about 30 weren’t found
Deezer should spread out their services to more countries.
Plex +arrs takes care of all my music streaming wants
Plex tanked right as I was watching a movie last week. It’s an alternative, but not reliable.
What about Jellyfin?
If it’s your Plex that tanked, sounds like a you problem.
I run both it and Jellyfin on the same machine and have no issues with either.
It was Plex on a TV. And it wasn’t my TV. So it’s not consistent.
Spotify is the only subscription I have. Don’t listen to music a lot, but it’s cheap and easy. For VPN, I rolled my own on a Digital Ocean VPS.
that sounds like a subscription with extra steps lol
I pay for Nord. But that’s because I game and value it.
Pandora is cheaper than Spotify and arguably better at picking new and random content based on your input. But it won’t play specific songs that you request like Spotify does. And Pandora works via Bluetooth, car apps, etc.
I used Pandora a ton a decade ago when there weren’t really any mainstream streaming services to compete with. But as someone who listens to albums and makes my own playlists, Pandora won’t cut it for me. I’m enough of a music snob that when I say I want to listen to The Stones, I want to listen to Let It Bleed front to back.
For some applications, Pandora is great, but it’s not what I need.
I loved and used Pandora for a long time. It was really good at recommending songs. I quit when they started playing ads in my feed despite paying for an ad free experience. These were like voice ads for concerts or similar from artists. I contacted customer support and the response was basically “we don’t think those are ads, they are ‘special messages’ from the artists so they aren’t going to stop.”
The problem is that I mostly use music streaming as background at work. Having a 30 second clip of some guy’s voice saying “Hey I’m Bobby from the Bobbles and we are excited to be touring in your area next month! Come check out our show for a Bobbling-Good-Time!” is very disruptive in the same way an ad for anything else is. They were clear that they weren’t going to stop so I walked away.
I pay for YouTube and have for years. Worth it and cheaper than cable.
$15/mo for 2 TB seems quite expensive tbh. My Nextcloud server with 1 TiB of storage costs €5 a month.
It is a little pricey, but when I tried hosting my own server, it was way too much hassle (for me). Frankly, I don’t mind paying Dropbox because they make the experience so fool-proof and borderline invisible.
Dropbox runs in the background and just acts like just a local folder in your Documents folder (or wherever you put it). When you save anything there, it’s automatically backed up online in real-time and added to any other computers you use that have Dropbox installed. If you have too much online for some of your devices, it will use a a “shadow file” that is just a link to the online file so it takes up zero space on your other local devices while acting just like the file is already local (in terms of being able to right-click, access properties, open it from other programs, etc.). Plus, it has built in functionality for sharing files or entire folders by giving you a quick download link with just two clicks, which is great for sharing files that are too large to send via email.
Could I get all that functionality cheaper? Almost certainly. Could I find something cheaper that is also just as user-friendly? I’m open to it, but I haven’t found anything yet that is close to competitive.
Have you checked out OneDrive (Microsoft)? It’s what I use for school. I don’t store pictures or anything, strictly school documents and random odds and ends.
I have a OneDrive account through my work, so I’ve used it a bit, but it doesn’t seem like it handles downloads and uploads as quickly, nor keeping the right files local intuitively the way Dropbox does.
Plus, it’s almost as expensive as Dropbox per TB with a personal plan, and Microsoft doesn’t need any more of my money or information.
Where do you host said server, a VPS?
I’ll pay for Spotify when they start respecting my blocklist properly.
I have blocked Kanye West and he still shows up in recommended playlists somehow.
I can’t speak to that as I don’t use any of the recommended playlists. It’s pretty easy to avoid artists you don’t like if you make your own playlists or pick your own music
Yeah but then that is not very useful for discovering new music.
Fair. I just browse through the “Fans Also Listen To” sections and read a lot of independent music journalism
Apple Music pays out 2-3X more than Spotify to artists if that is something you are concerned about.
It also has an absolutely terrible algorithm for recommending music in my experience. I’ve tried Apple Music several times over the past few years as I’m heavily invested in the Apple ecosystem. My experience never changes. I put in a random artist like Green Day or Hans Zimmer or Gregory Alan Isakov and within 4-5 songs the station is playing hip hop or rap. No matter what genre I start with the stream always turns into hip hop or rap and it’s mostly nobody artists that aren’t good. I have some songs in those genres in my library but the majority are not. (Also if I’m starting a station with an orchestral film score it stands to reason I probably want to hear more film scores not rap.)
All I can say is I’m glad I haven’t had the same experience. Not huge into rap or hip-hop and have never had them come up. It seems pretty good at recommending new songs to me. Not sure if it uses my current library or my searches but I’ve been happy with it.
it also has loseless quality but the format is not flac but their own codec, so i don’t know whether we can call them truly lossless.
Agreed Spotify is totally worth it. I use it a lot to go on like rabbit-hole deep dives into some artist or genre or something, I use it a lot for stuff I will listen once and never again. That would be completely impossible if I was buying individual songs or albums or whatever. Paying for a nearly infinite database of music I can peruse at will following whatever random interests I have that day, that is absolutely worth the subscription fee.
I only play music in my car that is on my phone. I can fit my entire music library on my phone.
Yo ho/All hands/Hoist the colors high
“Yo ho, fiddle-dee dee, a [REDACTED_DUE_TO_LEMMY.WORLD_POLICY]'s life for me!”
but also
“Having fun isn’t hard if you have a library card!”
I’ve been checking out so many good shows and movies from my local public library
The library feels like it should be illegal somehow. It’s SO GOOD.
I’m shocked they’re still legal.
Give them time
There would be SUCH a revolt from authors if publishers tried to do something to legislate libraries away that I doubt any new books would be released for decades.
Oh no. Everyone knows The Party fears a revolt of academics and intellectuals more than anything. My man, they’re always the first ones to go.
“You can judge the degree of civilization by looking at who is imprisoned” / Dostojevskij
Who’s talking about imprisonment? I’m talking about another writer’s strike, leaving publishers with nothing to publish for months or years. With their margins already razor-thin, they have to know that they’d just be done if they tried any funny business.
I love the two sides of “It’s about the price of a cup of coffee” like they’re not referring to a 30oz premium milkshake with a shot of espresso, not a regular black coffee.
Then the
“Your generation can’t afford anything because of your coffee addiction!”
Like companies aren’t just monetizing every single last thing and telling us “you’ll own nothing and you’ll LIKE IT!”
Also the price of a coffee has gone up considerably in the last couple years
The only sub I use is Spotify. I share it across my friends and family and like their vast catalog. They also don’t charge for their API so I can integrate it with Home Assistant.
My friends and family agree downloading songs manually sucks.
Piracy is a service issue. I have no problems with subscriptions as long as the price and service outpace piracy.
If the price gets to a point it doesn’t make sense, I go back to piracy.
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Tfw I paid for a subscription to access my textbook this semester.
Granted, it’s not just a textbook. My Spanish classes use VHL Central, which includes a textbook with videos, audio files, virtually endless practice assignments, and pretty much all of our assignments and course material.
It’s a really great tool, I guess I just wish I could keep access to it after I graduated. (I think you can purchase a textbook, but definitely not the full program.) Ah, well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That kind of model is unfortunately common for university courses. I had it for my language courses, and a couple of the core maths courses.
The online platform justifies a subscription by providing additional resources, homework grading, etc. Fair enough, honestly, if they want to charge you $15 or something reasonable. But when textbook access gets rolled into the bundle, it tends to inflate the subscription cost and also have the convenient-for-the-publisher side effect of temporary access to the text. Lose-lose, from a student perspective.
I had a course that required we buy a license to Pearson’s service in order to submit homework. $100+ to view a pdf for a semester and submit homework through a buggy form interface. I still hold a grudge against everyone in the department for that decision.
With that model the company can afford to offer far more content than with a pay-once model. With a pay-once model they only generate enough income to be able to offer a book, and maybe a smattering of supplementary material. Go subscription-based however, revenue increases, so output increases and now they can afford to create and maintain a whole lot more while keeping the price affordable to those who need it during the period that they need it.
It’s a similar principle to renting vs buying. If they were to offer all of those materials as a one-off purchase at a price that would allow their business to be sustainable, it would cost more than most are able to afford.
If we go back to one-off purchases, we go back to getting less for life as opposed to a lot for a limited period of time. It’s a trade off, and clearly one that most people are willing to make.
People get so angry (OP) about the way things are just because they’re unhappy in general and looking for something to blame. Not all companies are fair with their subscription models, but most are. Not every company cares about their customers, but most do. Some companies are run by sociopaths, but most are run by normal, nice people.
Laughs in having my own Jellyfin media server and ad blockers for YouTube as well as using my server for file backups as well
laughs in 7 TB of media actively archived
just installed two 18TB drives, currently working on mirroring and swapping over to new drive sets. It’s a pain because i have limited sata, and need to do hotswaps unless i want to take EVERYTHING down.
It’s worth it though, wouldn’t catch me saying otherwise.
How… Uh… Would one get some of your media files…? Do we do like in the old days and do USB drop off sites mixed with geocaching?
Know me IRL. One of these days i do intend on properly preserving a lot of the content i host somewhere, that’s going to be an ordeal though. Most of it is YT content currently, considering it’s mostly what i consume that shouldn’t be a huge shocker.
Really though, if anything, just start your own archive and keep building it. Tailor it to your personal tastes and worry about it from there.