I’ll go first. Mine is that I can’t stand the Deadpool movies. They are self aware and self referential to an obnoxious degree. It’s like being continually reminded that I am in a movie. I swear the success of that movie has directly lead to every blockbuster having to have a joke every 30 seconds
You’ve way over analysed it. It’d be like pissing on Star Wars because the Force has no basis in science.
As someone who enjoys the magic systems of Brandon Sanderson, I do piss on Star Wars for not having a logical basis for The Force.
Actually it’s not that bad. Harry Potter is much worse.
No, the problem is internal consistency, in Star Wars the force works the same way in all films. But imagine if on one movie someone was shown using the force to move objects, and on the next movie the same character was shown trying to reach for something important and failing and not using the force and when asked he replies “it’s not possible to move objects with the force”. That’s the problem here, internal consistency, on one movie it’s said it works one way, on the other it’s said it works differently. I love both movies, I just think T2 shitted on one of the main things from T1.
Except the prequels establish force powers that we never see again and so do the sequels. Like force super speed in the phantom menace.
Just because you don’t see them again doesn’t mean they’re impossible.
You’re right
And you know how they explained time travel not making sense in Doctor Who? They called it “wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff” and hand waved all that shit away.
And that’s fine, but if one Dr. Who explained time travel in detail, showing things that would be impossible, the next doctor shouldn’t violate those rules, it’s about in-universe consistency.
I’ll go ahead and guess that you haven’t seen much doctor who :)
Dr who has av lot of qualities, consistency is not one of them (and it’s OK)
No, the “Single Time Line” bit is a basic feature of T1, part of what makes it great, that T2 simply throws away.
I’m so glad I saw the films as a young kid then. To me it was just a cool horror film with a murder bot and the second was Arnie the robot hero!