Remember: no preorder. No matter how good No Man’s Sky turned out eventually, this will only be their second game of the open-world survival genre and it might need to go through the same engoodening. I just hope Sean leaves the PR to people who can do PR.
Speaking of which, do we have a Lemmy version of r/patientgamers? I miss that place
! is the largest community that I’m aware of
Thank you, I just subscribed.
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I cannot stress this enough, DO NOT PREORDER GAMES
But if I don’t pre-order the new Call of Duty while slamming down a Mountain Dew: Code Red, I’ll miss out on all of the experience boost bonuses and be left behind!
It’s too late the people who need to hear that message are already going, “Sean Murray redeemed themselves pre-ordering now”.
Heck, don’t ever do it if you can help it at all!
Curious to see what lessons they take from NMS. I’m not expecting good things if they don’t go into more depth on things like base building and faction management, considering exploration will be more limited.
Dude just can’t help himself:
“you can always fix it later” says the cyberpunk team lol, that can’t be real
I don’t see the problem. He’s scaling back from over 200 galaxies with trillions of planets to a single planet.
That’s actually hilarious
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Definitely interested. Hello Games may have stumbled on the NMS launch, but they’ve more than proven themselves since then!
would be real awkward if they mess it up twice
At least this time they’re not starting from scratch. I’m sure a lot of systems can be transferred over from NMS, excluding the ones that either weren’t well received or don’t make sense in a fantasy setting. Although we know Sean Murray is the king of overhyping even if they eventually delivered a good game. Almost as bad as Peter Molynieux
Blatantly lying about whether you game actually has netcode is not “stumbled”.
Hence why the trailer made sure to show gameplay of multiplayer working
No pressure.
Open world survival game with crafting mechanics. But the world is bigger or something and procedural generation.
If we’re to believe his new marketing spiel, I think that the catch or the draw is that the entire world actually happens to be explorable this time.
And that would be interesting because?
Yeah, I feel like we so easily forget that bigger does not mean better. If it’s larger than what the development team is capable of touching by hand, then more often than not it’s just empty or uninteresting space.
Make the mechanics interesting and even the traversal could be fun. I’ll wait on this one tho. Also cos I got a lot of backlog.
Really excited for this! Hope they learned their lesson this time and aren’t gonna over promise.
Even though it looks really polished already considering it’s all in game footage, I hope they’ll give it a few more years before it comes out.
What is the goal in this game? Watching the trailer just shows people running around different areas on foot or on creatures. Is this another “explore” game like No Mans Sky, or is there a mystery to solve, or is it an FPS?
This is my biggest question as well. I need a game to have direction.
NMS was mostly an open exploration game, but it did have a questline, albeit basically just forcing you to explore. So I’m expecting something similar here (though the fighting looked better).
Based on the trailer, it reminded me of Valheim. So a progression of zones/materials, but an ‘open’ game. But how knows, maybe they’ll add a story element?
Speculation, but he said his goal was to make the first actually explorable open world, world.
So I’m guessing they’re trying to make an entire world for you to explore, whether you enjoy that or not is going to be up to you and the type of games you look for.
Personally, I was never able to get into the Minecraft types so this probably won’t be for me, but if it’s good I’ll likely still give it a go.
I was curious if they’d be working with a publisher or going indie this time. The article didn’t say. So I went straight to their website and their newsfeed hasn’t been updated in like a year.
So I think it’s safe to say they haven’t gotten much better at PR 😂
Hello Games is an independent video games developer based in Guildford, United Kingdom.
We are developers and publishers of Light No Fire, Joe Danger, The Last Campfire and No Man’s Sky.
I love Joe Danger and I want to play it without a subscription on a modern console 😞
“Whatever you do, don’t let Sean go on Colbert again!”
Spending money on advertisements without an actual PR team is a red flag to me.
Most studios do not have a dedicated PR team. That’s a larger developer/publisher luxury. Often they just hack away at it together as a group or maybe if they’re lucky have one dedicated “social media manager“ who functions for basically anything remotely related to PR and marketing.
They could contract PR out to a firm or team on a part-time basis. They absolutely need someone in PR and marketing. They released a trailer on the fucking Game Awards and the single thing they are most known for is lying to players about their product.
I’m talking about developers writ large, but sure I would expect more from hello games at this point.
Most studios do not spend large amounts of money to appear on advertising shows either and with Hello Games’ history they should defo have a qualified PR manager or at least some serious consultation about it.
This looks amazing. I love space, but fantasy is much more up my alley. I keep hearing how amazing NMS is, so I just hope they learned their lessons
It really does look amazing, just hope it holds up
I was wondering if there would be magic or something
I just hope it has decent enemy variety. Even after nearly a decade of massive updates NMS has less than a dozen enemy types, and only three are any fun to fight after the first few times (the two walker robots and capital ships, and those were only added properly this year!).
So…what do you do in this game? We’ve seen movement and very basic NPC interactions. Building entire or part of buildings automatically. But that’s it. They mostly just showed off pretty, but almost entirely empty landscapes.
They are also doubling down on procedural generation. I hope they learned from NMS that procedural generation can be useful but only if there are interesting things to do that get generated. If you generated the same set of boring landmasses, there’s no point. I saw nothing in this trailer remotely new.
Also their trailer’s text was hot garbage. “A fantasy earth”. No shit, really? No one would have got that from the fucking dragons.
Looks like it will be a mix of Valheim and ARK. So yeah…
Will it? We didn’t see any combat, nor even complex building that both titles have. I guess I really just hate these kind of trailers that show next to nothing about the actual game. All it does is raise questions and annoy me.
lOoKs PrOmIsInG
My favorite are all the comments saying “lOoKs PrOmIsInG!”
My friend, we’ve seen literally one trailer and that’s it.
And that trailer looked pretty promising…so what’s your take here? Or do you just hate optimists, in general? Because that’s okay, too!
What’s the threshold for being able to suggest that it looks like it has potential? That it looks like there’s a possibility that there might be something good there, I guess we’ll keep an eye on this? Because that’s what “looks promising” means. One trailer of gameplay footage? An hour of unedited gameplay? Something in between? Looks promising to me.
I mean, I’d say a credible example of gameplay would be a fair minimum. Doesn’t have to be a trailer or anything, just seeing that the gameplay exists, looks (even subjectively) like it could evolve into something fun, and is more than just a flashy scripted trailer to collect preorders.
You said it better than I could have.
Something that’s not just walking around from place to place and occasionally hopping on the back of a flying creature. Some combat, maybe some dialog and how a quest/mission works in the game.
As it stands right now, and as someone else put it, it looks like a cross between Valheim and ARK. I just can’t get hyped for something like this when I’ve played plenty of other extremely similar games tons of times before.
I mean, my point was more their last “gameplay trailer” was actually a scripted cinematic with many of the features still not implemented to this day. If everything shown here is actual gameplay from the same game they plan to sell, then yeah, I can see the potential.
It releases tomorrow and won’t be playable for 5 years
hello games famously never overpromises on their games before release
This look great! When come out? Cannot wait.
For me, they STILL haven’t fixed the most important issue with No Mans Sky, which is actually occupying the planets with interesting POIs instead of copy and pasting the same damn thing or just having nothing at all. Hence why I get so fucking bored 15 hours in. Plus the lack of any biomes, just a single biome across every freaking planet with the same fauna and flora so you know exactly what to expect.
So I’m curious to see how they tackle those issues beforehand. Regardless, PR has never been their strongsuit so I’ll be sticking far away from them for the time being. We’ll see how this goes.
To me, the UI jank is what they should’ve fixed in these 7 years, but never did. Holding E for a second gets old fast. Interacting with stuff that’s outside your field of view because the aim thinks that’s what you should interact with is extra stupid.
Oh, and stop with the auto holstering of the weapon if you don’t shoot after 2 seconds, especially when in combat. Terrible “feature”
Tbf I believe they did make it an option in settings to disable holding E and just making it a press. If I remember correctly. I played about 6 months ago.
I held off on playing NMS until last year, I have a lot of experience with similar games on PC like Empyrion and had my expectations set by that game. Boy you couldn’t be more right about the planets, just about actual planet size, but nothing interesting but cloned points of interest. Empryion’s world generation is fantastic, very believable and smooth, transitioning between biomes and having those features being visible from space.
I got around 10ish or 15ish hours out of NMS, and I just noped out when I realized the best way to get a ship was to buy it from a random NPC who just landed, found a ship I liked, bought it, didn’t like the color and found I couldn’t repaint it (at that time, maybe that changed). Between all the stuff we’ve mentioned, plus weird bugs like ships warping into atmosphere but then glitching through the ground. Meh.
Light No Fire looks interesting, but my gut feeling is, it’ll be a huuuuge world, largely full of nothing worth while. I’ll keep an eye on it to see how it develops, and how it’s received at launch. My default position is … cautiously optimistic.