Those glasses really are a nice touch. She could’ve just gone with the towel and call it a day, but those sunglasses really put it all together.
Professionals have standards
Hey, I know those glasses! That’s Sharon from accounting! She told me, her boss, that she had swiftness disease.
Makes me wonder if Steve from IT really had an appointment at the tailor.
I can’t stop laughing at this.
The sunnies really make it.
Reminds me of the hairy cousin from the addams family.
Yes! I couldn’t figure out who she reminded me of until your comment.
I can respect that commitment.
Or she’s a ghost
It can’t be ruled out from that picture.
Now I’m gonna have nightmares!!
Taylor Swift show starter kit
The swifter picker upper
Cousin Itt is a Swiftie?
If pressed for details, I always say I have workplace-related anal glaucoma.
I just can’t see my ass at work.