Why do people censor fuck or other profanity on the internet? I don’t get it, and until now, I’ve been too afraid to ask.
Murica. Dunno if any other country does censor such trivialities too. And to the deeper why: religious hipocrisy i guess.
Afaik tiktok also heavily censors topics that are considered bad publicity or whatever. In fact, considering that this self-censor trend (edit: this type of self censor trend that utilizes cutting out vowels instead of using euphemisms or not using the words at all) is much much younger than YouTube or Instagram (at least I noticed it only a few months, maybe one or two years ago) I’d say the American companies weren’t even the driving force behind it.
The reflection doesn’t match what’s in front of the mirror, so they probably just edited in a different picture
You CAN in fact more or less do this for real: photographing a mirror from a straight on perspective without the camera visible.
Basically, you need a special tilt-shift lens that distorts perspective to where it looks ‘straight on’ while the camera is actually off to the side or down below. If you do it correctly, the viewer won’t even notice anything’s missing.
These lenses are primarily used for architecture photography to prevent ‘leaning buildings’. They can also create really cool miniature effects. It’s quite a useful bit of gear, but also rather expensive because it’s such a niche lens.
If someone is like me and goes: “Want!”: That Lens in the video costs a cool ~1000 Bucks.
Which doesn’t mean I don’t want it anymore… Just that it’s on the list for when I swim in money for some reason :D