Double the minimum wage and cut housing costs in half.
Mind the shavings
Double the minimum wage and cut housing costs in half.
The second best outcome is suicide by stupidity.
The best is they stop being stupid.
War on those who are awake?
He’ll still try, and fox will talk about disloyal australians. And then everybody can laugh at them.
You really don’t, though.
You mean you want technology that serves the public good.
Propeller Cap over here is just pissy he hasn’t hijacked it like a government.
Only bitches talk about loyalty.
Shit, now I’m a bitch. Curse these consistent rules!
So get them on there.
“Hey dummies, this here is the place that isn’t trying to fuck us, let’s move it over.”
For me the way bigger issue is clunkiness. The fediverse needs a massive push for UI, usability, intuitiveness. Not having that will turn people away, but part of what will get it to happen is more people showing up and saying “stop making this otherwise objective improvement so janky that I second guess coming here in the first place.” Maybe a few will be inspired to help, if they have the skills.
To everybody working on the fediverse in any capacity: thank you. You are building a digital Noah’s Ark for the future.
Step one is being qualified to recognize the difference between being informed and being cynical.
Just a temper tantrum.
Can’t even deliver on the promise of a strongman with this whiny baby shit.
Conservatism is an oil drill trying to drill entire countries.
This feels like it’s mostly up to the people in the military who are the ones actually holding the guns.
If he doesn’t want it to get to that level, he doesn’t have to take it there. No one’s making him.
This is what we call “bitch behavior”.
It’s the Gulf of Mexico.
Two wrongs occasionally make a right, or maybe just a lack of a wrong, when they’re pointed at each other in just the right way.
Still a bad system that needs to be fixed.
It’s up to individuals talking and posting about who’s trustworthy.
Even before this, The People’s CDC was doing better work than the regular CDC on covid. This and other stuff like it is what will guide us.
Funding is still an issue, but trust is something we maintain ourselves by individuals paying attention and speaking honestly.
And it should be tagged at every level: metadata, watermark, poster, website. Redundancies will make it harder to use AI for lying.
Internet-wide, culture-wide, society-wide.
Conservatives lie in their very word choices.
“Somebody pointed out I was wrong about something” = propaganda
“Conservatives lost” = it wasn’t fair
Stuff like that. Take the opportunity to talk about things in ways that leave the reader understanding more clearly when you see lying word choices like the ones in this screencap.
Cruelty is a weak person’s desperate attempt at looking (not even being) strong.
And neither one works.
The nastier he becomes, the weaker he is.
Stuff like this is a major, major component of dealing with nazis.
And even after they’re dealt with, it’s a better way of doing things, anyway. If it’s a company, you’re not on their social media platform, as much as you can possibly manage.
Which is a lot.
Darn reality.
We’re going to keep discussing reality no matter how many papers you use as temper tantrum props.