I use my phone a lot lot. It’s a terrible addiction. But yeah, I’m not the usual user and my needs are different.
But I disagree with “spending twice the amount of time”. I’ve never seen that except on evil stuff that just handicaps the website on mobile for no reason other than “I’ll force you to use my app through pain”, when the desktop site is as good or even better than the app. And if it’s one of those companies, to me it’s a red flag. It’s not a service I’m using, it’s a company trying to abuse me as far as they can and I’ll be dumb if I continue on that abusive relationship and not break up.
But ending an abusive relationship is a personal choice. But to me they are inflicting that pain on them selves.
Oh, a good example is reddit. The mobile website experience is painful for no reason other than to force me to use their shitty app to steal more from me.
And what do you know? That was a red flag and that is a company I should have tried my best to avoid for that reason and many others. And now here I am on Lemmy, happier, and not forced a shitty app down my throat.
Although i use android i really, really don’t want Google stuff on my pc. I use android because it’s the only viable choice on mobile. But on pc I’ll avoid chromium as much a i can. And having installed many roms the hard way before i saw no reason to make an exception.
Plus i don’t like the browser doing something like that where i don’t know what it’s doing. If it was on firefox maybe i would trust it more, but even then…