Hi 👋 just shared the site with one of my buddies and he told me he doesn’t care much about it because there’s no way you’ll be 100% privacy enforced since you’re using an iPhone and sharing your location, name, birthdate , personal files, photos.
I’ve to say this gets to me but on the other side I’m also respectful of everyone‘s opinion because after all, this is what makes us special
How are you handling these circumstances usually, do you say something?
90%+ apps require Google play services, which basically allows them to know every app you use, and potentially more.
There’s also a surge in apps implementing integrity checks, which makes you unable to run certain apps entirely with a custom ROM
Google has the exact same policy of getting a large cut of each payment you make…
Just like Ulrich thinking installing graphene being easy is just his experience, that is just your experience. I don’t have a single app that needs google play and that’s one thing i find it easy.
Whatever would need it i just use their website. Sure they try a lot to annoy you into using their useless app but it’s doable and becomes an incentive to find a better service.
You can find your way around, but you’ll spend twice the amount of time doing the same tasks that you could easily do on apps. Also, bye bye bank apps, or any Android games
If you don’t use your phone a lot, understandable, but for most people, nah, not doable
I use my phone a lot lot. It’s a terrible addiction. But yeah, I’m not the usual user and my needs are different.
But I disagree with “spending twice the amount of time”. I’ve never seen that except on evil stuff that just handicaps the website on mobile for no reason other than “I’ll force you to use my app through pain”, when the desktop site is as good or even better than the app. And if it’s one of those companies, to me it’s a red flag. It’s not a service I’m using, it’s a company trying to abuse me as far as they can and I’ll be dumb if I continue on that abusive relationship and not break up.
But ending an abusive relationship is a personal choice. But to me they are inflicting that pain on them selves.
Oh, a good example is reddit. The mobile website experience is painful for no reason other than to force me to use their shitty app to steal more from me.
And what do you know? That was a red flag and that is a company I should have tried my best to avoid for that reason and many others. And now here I am on Lemmy, happier, and not forced a shitty app down my throat.
No they don’t. More like 5%. What % of Apple apps require Apple services?
Apple takes 30%
Google gets 0% of income of apps installed outside of the Google Play Store.
My 5% was referring to Google Play Services dependency.
and what % of apps are installed outside of the Google Play Store…?
They push warning messages all over the OS to deter users from doing that…
Why does that matter? The point is you can do it. Personally 100% of mine are installed that way using Aurora, Obtainium, Droidify or Accrescent. Android allows you that freedom and always has, Apple fights vigilantly to ensure you never have that choice.
They are not “all over the OS”. There is a pop-up message that asks you if you want to allow the app to be used as an installer. That’s it.
If the point is that you can do it, then yea, you can also sideload apps on iOS. It’s an immense pain, limited to X apps, but you can, and you could technically pay with 0% fee…
iirc there was more but alright
If you actually look into this, you really can’t. Yes, you can install alternative app stores but they still require Apple’s stamp of approval, they still require an Apple developer account, along with $100/yr subscriptions, and they still require “only” 27% cut of revenue, and all of that is only available in the EU.
That’s not the only way. You can sideload unapproved apps.