It’s 2025, some of the gamer priests are Nazis. Please try to keep up, it will only get wilder
It’s 2025, some of the gamer priests are Nazis. Please try to keep up, it will only get wilder
God I hope I live to see the day. Discord at first appears like a good IRC wrapper, but the XP of actually using it is fucking gross.
Yes that’s very wise. They’ve already shown you that they feel they might “deserve” a certain type of affection, so who knows what they feel entitled to.
Other men at these social settings also need to take a more active role in 1) detecting, and 2) deterring, incel adjacent behaviour.
I’d give em the “two wolves inside you” talk - like negativity and positivity. Gotta keep the moral lessons at preteen development levels with these sorts of folks.
What you said is all true, and there’s no excusing that level of rottenness, but I do think there’s a deeper component to it that they do not acknowledge.
They want to feel good about themselves, which at the core is not unreasonable, but they’ve built up this whole misogynistic mythology where they need a conventionally attractive woman - mind, body, and soul, in order to feel safe and happy.
But I’m convinced that even if they somehow stumbled into this unlikely relationship they would still be miserable.
Agreed that hope is Defiant (pun intended), but disagree with assertion that replicators are the backbone of post-scarcity (yes I know it’s a work of fiction by many writers, but hear me out).
Under capitalism the invention of replicators would just lead to the introduction of artificial scarcity, in order to maintain the current power structures. We know this because everywhere in the world already exists the technology for all to have plenty, yet somehow these obvious needs aren’t met.
In a nutshell: tech won’t save us.
I found this was more the case early on into quitting. The author’s advice of pushing through the discomfort and saying what you wish you could is perfect. It really helps ratchet up a social engagement into gear. After a while you get used to just speaking your mind, more earnestly than ever before in my case.
Keep it up and you’ll be laughing and crying in the pub’s booth just like old times, walking home tired and wobbly from oversharing. Yes you’ll even cringe at your inability to keep your big mouth closed.
Currently reading Cloud Atlas and these comments accompany it pretty well
Him too. Leonard Nimoy’s character was a pretty good template for the “cool nerd”
I think what you dislike is bad or low effort art, not post modernism. Just because piece of art denies the canon, or the classics, doesn’t necessarily mean it must eschew beauty, or be made without technical skill.
Apologies to anyone who knows their art history - I’m speaking in broad strokes here.
I may sneer at the commodification of livable designs, but I guess I see your point… We’ve gone way beyond the scope of this comic, using a single word as a launching point to talking about leveraging hype machines for good.
Would you care to give an example? I have a hard time picturing this kind of thing as sincere, because it’s usually the tip of the spear in a cynical marketing campaign to divest people of their money.
Begone, prescriptivist!
Hahaha jk, but I agree in part. For the other part, though, I think there is a partial duty to a communicator to realise how words will be interpreted, and use the word as they know it will be understood. Or else they should do some work to explain their meaning.
For instance, in the comic, the word “technological” could be removed altogether, and the meaning is only clearer for it.
Sure, but that’s not how most people read the term. Going back to my point about how I both dis/agree with this because of how vague it is.
I both agree and disagree, because this comic is dangerously vague.
A good example is electric cars. It would be great if everyone switched to electric cars, but it would be even better if we built a city that didn’t treat pedestrians, cyclists, and public commuters as second class.
The difference being the latter doesn’t let private equity make fat returns.
And yes ofc we can both.
This and bike shedding.
Ong you turned them into a cat you sicko
Ah! It takes your breath away!