Insert horrified looks when I tell me friends some “funny stories” from my childhood. :D
“Pug, you’re an incredibly smart kid, but you’re lazy.”
Me, unable to remember homework, but acing every test and going above-and-beyond on any project with freeform requirements, leading to solid Bs and Cs despite half my assignments being a flat 0 for not being turned in: “Yeah.”
… kind of wish someone looked a little deeper into the issue at the time.
Growing up neurodivergent in the 80s and not being disruptive enough to demand said deeper look may lead to:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Internalization of negative self-worth
- Avoidance of formal higher education
- Early burnout
- Lifelong vague dissatisfaction
- Disillusionment with the world and its systems
- Being terminally online searching frantically for the next dopamine hit
Who are you and how did you read my diary?
Same. There’s more of us?
I only have about half of those, so…yay?
Ha. Rookie! /j
My mom used to talk in code a lot for no fucking reason. She’d throw out the weirdest segues and irrelevant stories. When I (barely) graduated from a gifted kids high school, she jumped from telling me she was proud of me, to telling me that when my sister was little, all her teachers told her that she should be “tested” - heavily implying it was for learning disabilities - and added that “none of [her] babies are retarded.”
2 things - that sister had dyscalculia and never got beyond an associates degree because she kept failing math. And it took until my mom died to figure out she was also talking about me - and every one of my siblings.When going through my mom’s things, I found out that she ignored the advice of several teachers and school counselors to get me tested for ADHD. Because she didn’t want a ‘damaged’ kid.
Same here. I didn’t get diagnosed until a couple of years ago but the signs were always there…
Now I’m just biding my time until my youngest two get the diagnosis (my husband and I both are ADHD, and our other kids have already been diagnosed).
High potential + severe adhd => ticking bomb
And now these horribly abused children are adults with their own children.
Thankfully a lot of them are learning to break the cycle of parental mental abuse
You don’t have to die alone!
You can get sterilized then start (or join) an anarcho-communist polyamorous commune. If you find the right mix of traumas, it can function really well! Or end in fire. But it will be exciting, and you won’t be alone!
That’s what we need, more good old sex cults.
I agree, my anarcho-communist polycule is fun. And very queer.
"They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra, just for you.
But they were fucked up in their turn
By fools in old-style hats and coats,
Who half the time were soppy-stern
And half at one another’s throats.
Man hands on misery to man.
It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can,
And don’t have any kids yourself. "
"Get out as early as you can,
And don’t have any kids yourself. "
I did not get out early, but my eventual spouse and I were on the same page: the crazy stops with me.
My sister had different plans and now has two neurodivergent kids. ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
With certain very rare exceptions to specific individuals…
Fuck the Boomers.
And their parents.
Signed “You’ll never be able to function in normal civilized society with that attitude!”
Dick parfaits for the lot of em.
I was told that I was under the influence of demons! Which, to a child raised in a deeply religious household, will absolutely destroy any sense self-worth you have. Especially when the goal is to make you act like the complete opposite of who / what you simply are at your core.
Too bad for my parents, because now I both don’t like people and have a burning hatred for religious establishments!
I was forced to adapt for survival but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t a struggle. Also I didn’t do “fine” in school. I barely graduated high school and scraped by with like a 1.8 GPA, couldn’t get into college, and got kicked out of community college. And I hurt a lot of people I cared deeply about along the way too.
So similar.
I loved how mental healthcare was treated like satanism in the '90s. Especially by the religious.
Read Neurotribes by Steve Silberman
One asshole at Hopkins, leo kanner, sat on neuridiversity info all through most boomer childhoods.
Their parents got blamed for it by their own depression-era parents.
There was only one way to be, only certain foods, everything else was either a sin or a personal failure. Those kids could not answer questions honestly, just repeat back the same approved cultural pablum that maga wants to go back to.
Simple has several meanings.
The only light was Dr. Spock, but too subtle for many readers, he had to couch things carefully in his time and the culture was deafening.
Only after Lorna Wing released her work in the 70s did it start to normalise for some Gen Xers.
*Mr. Spock 🖖
lol i know, no reason to downvote 😅
Him too. Leonard Nimoy’s character was a pretty good template for the “cool nerd”
Kids are getting diagnosed with mental health issues, and I’m hearing a lot less about kids killing their parents…
Imagine how they treated Grandma as a child, then.
Grandma gets a lot of leeway from me, as she grew in WW1, lived through WW2 and was tortured during the civil war. She has hard as steel. For me it’s still a funny story, especially since at the time I was hiding under a desk scream-crying “iiiiiiiiii” like a goddamn bombing alarm and she just wanted me to shut up :D
@db0 I am genuinely curious. Your post has no any tag, but why does it is on my ‘hashtags’ tab?
So far I can see three of your posts on the tab.
I am using Tusky.
Lemmy is adding the tags in the activitypub metadata which mastodon then correctly reads. The tags don’t need to be in the text of the post for mastodon to parse them (neither do the reply usernames for that purpose). It’s just that in your normal mastodon interface, it only parses things from your text, so you’re used to seeing it there.
EDIT: In this specific case, you’re seeing it in the #adhd tag, because it’s tagged like this for being posted in the ! comm.
@db0 Ahhh I see. Yes, the hashtag tab contains ‘adhd’, ‘mentalhealth’, ‘ocd’, ‘ptsd’, ‘depression’ and ‘anxiety’.
Thanks for the information. I really appreciate it.
Removed by mod
I’ll engage with you in case you are acting in good faith.
“Helps” here is an interesting take, but not an uncommon one. There have been and continue to be a lot of people that when they see someone who has adhd or autism or some other neurodivergence think “let’s help them act ‘normal’”
If you are a neurotypical person you might even genuinely be thinking this is a good thing and in some ways it can be. Providing accommodations and life skills that are compatible with neurodivergence can make a world of difference.
The problem is that there is a long history of “help” being neither accommodations nor life skills, but discipline and shame. Here’s a thought experiment if you are neurotypical that might help.
Imagine that the world was majority autistic, since autistic individuals are the majority they consider their way of thinking to be neurotypical and you are neurodivergent. You want to do things that make sense to your brain, you’d like to make small talk and you find it very hard to stay focused during your school days 4-hour special interest hyper focus time.
Society “helps” you by telling you you are lazy and unfocused and all the normal people are able to spend 4 hours in a row completely consumed by their special interest but you keep wanting to talk or have variety and it’s very disruptive. They teach you “how to hyper focus” but nothing they say works for you, your brain isn’t wired to do this. They scold you when you don’t. They finally decide the best path would be to label you divergent and give you powerful stimulants so that you can remain hyper focused like a normal person. They “help” you.
And then one day you learn about how your brain is simply different, that you shouldn’t have felt bad all those years for being unable to do something your brain just isn’t wired to do. You realize that you don’t even really know the person that you are because your whole life you’ve been faking it, running scripts that they taught you so people won’t be upset at you, and taking chemicals to force your brain into an unnatural configuration.
Then someone comments on your post “So what you are saying is a good upbringing helps.” How would you feel?
Not OP but your example was a super interesting explanation.
Good parents help
Your comment has been reported and I admit, I am trying to understand what joke you’re trying to make here. Can you clarify for me?
If I’m going to be an optimist, the post says “People didn’t previously get diagnosed because a bad upbringing is just abuse and not diagnosis” and this person is saying “with a good upbringing, you get help with diagnosis instead of abuse.” No joke involved. just “The secret to not having miserable kids is not abusing them.”
Obviously the negative take would be “Abusing your child until they behave ‘normal’ is a good upbringing because it ‘helps’ them blend in”
Which one was it? 🤷 Poe’s law kinda means it’s impossible to know if this is sarcasm or not. I’m not about to go digging through someone’s post history to find out their attitude on the topic.
Removed by mod
Reported for what? 😂 I swear too much time on this community and you’d think people with ADHD are marginalized as much as trans people. Get over yourselves
This is not a zero sum game. Your comment comes off as pretty hateful but on the off chance it’s not intended as a troll, support disadvantaged people and be empathetic. There’s a lot of community overlap.
Reported for what?
Probably for defending child abuse
Pretty sure they said having a good upbringing (supportive/attentive parents) helps negate the effects of undiagnosed ADHD, not sure how tf you got defending child abuse.
The way it’s worded reads like they’re implying doing the things in the tweet to make kids “normal” is good parenting. It’s not uncommon for dipshits to say that, and the ban makes me think they doubled down on it.
I think that comment has two readings:
- The commenter potentially missed the point of the post a bit and saying good parenting helps because it means they get diagnosed sooner
- The commenter is saying that the abusive behaviours listed in the post count as “good parenting”
I can see why the second might get reported.
She knew your parents well.
Bruh, Boomers and Gen Xers are some of the most ignorant people alive.
New Lemmy Post: As an extra, my grandma once called me “devilspawn” (
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