A few minutes ago out of nowhere, it suddenly clicked in my brain that I had called “Strange New Worlds” “Brave New World” on here, so I had to come and see people making fun of me. Thank you all for not disappointing 😆
Programmer with a linguistics background, dad, trekkie (he/him/his)
A few minutes ago out of nowhere, it suddenly clicked in my brain that I had called “Strange New Worlds” “Brave New World” on here, so I had to come and see people making fun of me. Thank you all for not disappointing 😆
I don’t know how, but I would love to see more of these characters in live action. Tawny Newsome and Jack Quaid were fantastic in BNW.
Tawny Newsome is awesome, so I’m sure this will be good, but there seems to be a fundamental tension between Kurtzman saying Trek can broaden, while Paramount seems to be trying to contract it.
This is fair. Usually when I hear “prescriptive” I have a knee-jerk reaction to it as something bad because it’s usually used to refer to people using made-up rules to enforce systems of oppression rather than fight against them like inclusive language does, but I hadn’t thought about it as “prescriptivism for good.”
Ironic that the actor who seems to be the biggest Trek fan also played my least favorite character. Zeph was a cartoon.
Using inclusive language isn’t linguistic prescriptivism. Prescriptivism is saying “this word is incorrect English/doesn’t mean what you are using it for.” Inclusive language is saying “if you use this word, you’re being a jerk.”
As a Penn employee, I understand why they have to do this, and honestly I just hope I keep my job long enough for it to be relevant, but not doing CoL increases is de facto a pay cut (especially when the cost of living is going up as much as it is right now).