I always knew I’d never see a dime of my social security and federal tax payments I’ve paid into my whole working life. I’m coming up on 40 and have been through several “once in a lifetime” financial crashes/resets, endless war in the middle east, etc and now fat orange is simply stealing the budget and never paying it back. You will never see that money, it’s gone now. It’s going into elons next business venture aka buying America from you without asking.
If you make it so nobody can retire anymore, then you’ll be faced with 2 choices… Die at home crying not being able to afford care or medical aid or die fighting nazis.
It’s anti vax and anti regulation so basically a maga wet dream. Squeeze cow, milk, ta da. In reality to the other 3/4 of humanity it’s a microbial breeding ground for unfiltered mutations and diseases because you’re just trusting the entire food chain leading up to the cow has been healthy and unmutated.
Pasteurized milk goes through a process where you filter out unwanted microbes or unsafe mutations before bottling the milk. It’s like boiling water before drinking vs drinking from a puddle.