It’s okay, I would have too if I made the post. All joking aside they look delicious!
It’s okay, I would have too if I made the post. All joking aside they look delicious!
You missed the opportunity for “Alton Brownie”.
Adam is such an inspiration. The kind of person who restores a little faith in humanity.
Yeah its a real monkeys paw situation too. Will they be able to catch that same lightning in a jar again without the same cast?
I miss Mythbusters so much.
Yep, about a month ago I finally broke down and bought a sennheiser momentum 4. Pricy, but down are they nice.
He’s a morally reprehensible asshole either way.
I just traded in my s10 this past November and I still miss the headphone jack.
He said he knew in his post.
I’ve seen it, it’s definitely the best one.
Good call.
What if I don’t like the new movies because jj Abrahms can’t direct for shit?
I got the sennheiser momentum 4s and love them, but sadly outside of the budget. :(
Sure, but this gets you past the bullshit hurdle of LLM’s making sure your resume is never even seen by a real person.
Yep same here! It’s nice when you feel a sneeze coming on and then it stops, you can kinda force it to happen!
Also depends on your insurance. I pay $25 per visit, and even over a year when I went every week, I doubt it was more expensive than restoring a train lol.
Yep, this was me, but it was pointing out the particle wave duality of light. Needless to say I was mocked by the teacher and students.
They may be, but it’s still terrifying to find out one was sleeping in your bed springs after you found one on your windowsill the night before.
Eh, minorly. Swen and his wife still have massive majority control of Larian.
On YouTube or somewhere else?