My wife surprised me with this, she’s amazing!
Missed opportunity here to call them Alton Brownies :)
Looks good!
Dang, the best title right here.
How much Alton Brown is in there? I bought Girl Scout cookies once but they lied and no Girl Scouts were mixed into the cookies.
I’ll have to ask my wife.
She said 25%.
I only like all-natural fruits and beverages, organically grown, with no preservatives. Are you sure they’re real lemons?
i dont see the resemblance
Neither has that much hair…
hey, i can see it now! thanks!
That brownie looks like some…
…good eats
Those! But we cut the cocoa in half.
What’s the cakiness to softness ratio?
Richness to sweetness?
A good chew with a little cake.
It’s more rich than sweet, we cut the cocoa in half from what the recipe says though.
Wow!! More rich and you cut half the cocoa??
Yeah, bananas right?
Love to see it! Hope you enjoy them as much as we do!
We do, every time!! So good.
You missed the opportunity for “Alton Brownie”.
I wish I was cool enough to think of this.
It’s okay, I would have too if I made the post. All joking aside they look delicious!
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aLtOn bRoWnIe
Alton Brownies!
Why is there a downvote on every single comment on this post?
Good question! My guess is someone who thinks food porn is something else and the image wrecked his boner?? 😂
I used to like alton brown until I found out he was racist and homophobic
And I belive he referenced a horrible person in one of his books in but I don’t remember the name of the horrible person he mentioned
I had no idea, thank you.