Honestly blurring usernames when the original post was on a public website is completely unnecessary
Nob bindry
Honestly blurring usernames when the original post was on a public website is completely unnecessary
~^i dont think the poster meant it seriously^~
Damn, only $1000?
Its essentially padding to protect ur face
Tolkien’s books are essentially english/European mythology, so it kind of sort of makes sense
Ur goin to hell
Dinosaurs Attack!
This goes hard af
Light colored hair reflects the light, while dark hair absorbs it and converts it to heat, which essentially causes it to burn off.
(Not an expert on laser hair removal, but pretty sure thats how it works)
What do they have against weird al?
Youtube revanced is the best one I’ve used, but it’s a bit more involved to install it
The reflection doesn’t match what’s in front of the mirror, so they probably just edited in a different picture
My favorite part of Wednesday :)
I would recommend using an ad free lemmy app. This is not the right platform for making money, especially through ads.
No, don’t expect it, if will just keep getting hotter!
Fails because the creator is a terf
The religions where this was a strong desire are gone, because the people that brlieved in them kept dying
Fuck i need to go outside