Look at that money on the table! Of course we should privatize the USPS!
(/s of course)
Look at that money on the table! Of course we should privatize the USPS!
(/s of course)
I just sent them a fucking check. Wonder if I should stop them
What can I do? Shit posting hasn’t helped.
I’ve got a jellyfin server but I fucked my routing and haven’t fixed it.
I cancelled everything but paramount recently. Just cant quit star trek. Until I fix my DNS server at least
Sounds good friend. Thanks again for this.
If you’d like, can you list what you want help with? In the readme.md or a CONTRIBUTING.md
Also I am good with actions, I can help automate anything you think would help
Did you already pull it? Not seeing it
I’m an idiot 😂
Automation is great. I’ll take a look at the source if your publish it
Thank you so much
Welp I had hoped to never remember that again.
It’s what they called one of the characters in “Inglorious Bastards”, who beat a Nazi to death with a baseball bat
Ooh that is so cool. Wonder if it is another tech that really requires a room temp superconductor
For me, the calendar app isn’t good enough. It is too easy to hide or miss or ignore the notification, no matter what settings I adjust (which dont typically give much flexibility)
I’m in a similar spot. For me MacroDroid app on my phone is key.
Someone helped me write an alarm macro that I cancel by scanning an NFC tag I have in my medication case.
I also have an NFC tag on my refrigerator that I have to scan to stop my wake up alarm.
I can share the macro if you are interested
By definition if it was at 12am it would have been vaporized
Wait when did nuclear war come back?
I dunno, how does 8 months pay sound more appealing than a pension?
The horrors persist, yet I continue to preserve