Vaush is amazing and a great advocate for Trans rights and the left in general. I see so mny people hate on him but he has generally very good opinions. I dont agree with him on everything (he’s very US centric and that limits his perspective).
This kind of hatred towards one of the best trans friendly content creator is bad and you should stop. I recommend you actually watch him because he is none of the things you accuse him of being (maybe a bit mean and abrasive).
Also r/enoughvaushspam is a hate forum that has sent multiple death threats and organized hate raids on vaush and his community. Please don’t go to these kinds of hate fueled places.
A lot of the hate is also perpetuated by Tankies who he happened to piss off. Often the Tankies are fabricating straight up lies or taking what he says out of context (or taking things that he long changed his views on because GASP, PEOPLE CAN CHANGE AND GROW)
I personally am not a fan of the funny V man but it should be obvious to anyone that Tankies love lying
Vaush is amazing and a great advocate for Trans rights and the left in general. I see so mny people hate on him but he has generally very good opinions. I dont agree with him on everything (he’s very US centric and that limits his perspective).
This kind of hatred towards one of the best trans friendly content creator is bad and you should stop. I recommend you actually watch him because he is none of the things you accuse him of being (maybe a bit mean and abrasive).
Also r/enoughvaushspam is a hate forum that has sent multiple death threats and organized hate raids on vaush and his community. Please don’t go to these kinds of hate fueled places.
A lot of the hate is also perpetuated by Tankies who he happened to piss off. Often the Tankies are fabricating straight up lies or taking what he says out of context (or taking things that he long changed his views on because GASP, PEOPLE CAN CHANGE AND GROW)
I personally am not a fan of the funny V man but it should be obvious to anyone that Tankies love lying