Is that a thinkpad running nixos?
Or Arch (btw)
Does Endeavor count?
or tails/qubes
What is NixOS? Do i need to add that to a dual boot?
a linux distro with a cool package management system. somewhat popular but not as much as arch or ubuntu.
Oh dang. What’s its package system like?
i cant say as i havent used it, but i think its supposed to be completely reproducable. i guess sort of like how the aur is basically the universal package repo for arch? the entire system can be configured in text files, so it would be great for installing the same os many times.
Basically you describe the entire system’s configuration in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix, including network, users, packages, dotfiles, etc. Then you run
nixos-rebuild switch
and boom, your computer is in that state.
Its too big to explain in a single comment. Go to its site for more info
Also do I see firefox on it?
What desktop enviroment is that? Oh, it’s a tiling window manager?
Oh, you have window transparency at 0.9?
You mean opacity?
Opacity at .1, transparency at .9
Dafuq? What’s that for? Keeping a good view of your waifu wallpaper?
Visit ! for answers. Also I might have used some hyperbole.
A cute girl is a cute girl.
Maybe they’re programming socks?
Sounds like the cutest girl
I love that somehow that became like our starter pack! 🤣
Ok, who’s polycule is she getting added to?
What is the realization?
Don’t wanna be this guy but isn’t the meme like very transphobic then?
I’d say they make fun of other memes already made. I’ve got a Blahaj right now in my arms but that doesn’t mean it’s a trate that shows my sexuality or gender
The meme doesn’t say whether the realization is positive or negative, it’s up to your imagination to decide.
Striped rights are hosiery rights.