If that part of the hustle was wishing for a new trans am
What part of the hustle are you doing and what are your wishes/expectations for the new season?
Will it suck? Will it not?
What topics are you wanting them to cover?
Crypto? Elon Husk and Twotter? Spaz and readdit?
Historically, Futurama dealt with gender and specifically trans issues quite poorly.Hopefully they have improved for this new season.
Originally I was annoyed at the display of
But I decided later to take it as Zapp growing as a person, having learned he can develop feelings for “men” - even though it was just Leela, and in a confused sort of way opened up to dating trans-women. And he is legitimately confused about the surprise, knowing full well this is a trans-women - and not the harmful joke about her still having her body’s birth genitalia.
But yeah, hopefully they do a little better with this season on that front and I don’t have to rely on home brewed explanations anymore.
Yeah between that and sexlexia, They could probably treat the whole situation better.
Zapp was supposed to be a shitty person, the sexlexia claim of his was exactly in that character.