The monkey’s paw curls…
Around hitlers dick
The monkey’s paw curls…
Around hitlers dick
This. Especially the second half.
FYI teams has a setting to block direct calls and an automated voice message for missed calls.
Mine has been set to reject calls and play an automated message letting the caller know to ping me first on teams ever since my company decided it was an amazing idea to forward every employee’s office phone number/calls to our God damned teams account.
I despise spam calls and refuse to take calls unless asked first
A thief to be
Looking for opportunity
What are they going to hit?
100 miles of grass in any direction?
In bigger company’s C levels manage VPs who manage directors who manage managers
It’s management alll the way down
$The$same$company$that$bundles$ bloat/mal/spyware$on$new$devices$
I had a roommate exactly like this in college
That poor dog and poor cat usually ended up locked in her tiny bedroom in our 3br apartment all day
She called the cops on us a couple times for having friends over
Idk the scary door isnt bad
Wrong warm water tastes smoother and smells weirder
Cold water tastes spikier and doesnt smell weird
Your argument doesn’t seem all that separated from the Nazi Nuremberg defense
“I was just following orders”
The world collectively decided that defense would not stand
Hey its me your 2nd uncle
I need about $3.50 to pay for shipping on a package from a nigerian price who needed my help
I know we said over 100 for this but
I. Cry. When pizza burns the roof of
My. Mouth. Ill. Try. And eat more pizza pie
Ive been trying to figure this out all day and thats not it
Im pretty sure ive conflated parts of Mr murder and a completely different author/book called the mark of the assassin and honestly maybe parts of a 3rd book i havent remembered yet
I read those ~15 years ago
I think ive also ready exactly one koontz book
I think it involved a child genius inventing time travel with something that looked like salt and pepper shakers because his family was being targeted by an assassin for some reason
Also might have been a fever dream not sure
Nah this is real I was there
Trust me im a dentist
Babe wake up new lemmy lore just dropped
Hell yeah.
Fuck adobe.
I submitted a complaint about this exact thing to one of the government sites so im going to pretend I had a part in this