This reminded me about year 2000 or so when we seemingly did not have any (relatively) serious problems and so our tax money was spent on stuff like this
Can’t wait for the epic memes promoting weed
zack morris told me theres no hope with dope right before he narced on a nice guy for responsibly doing weed in his own house and then drove drunk and lied about it to his dad though
🎶Zack Morris is trash🎶
im from the future.
it did not work out like they hoped
I believe you.
I want to believe you but I have a feeling it’s a honey pot
I believe you.
Next, these people are going to start going after heavy metal and rap music again.
Heavy Metal and Rap Music? They hurdled right over and landed on Any Amount of Dancing and Suffragettes.
They’re this close to warning that jazz causes integration
Wake up babe, Reefer Madness 2 is about to drop
Cannabis will never be as harmful as alcohol. This really outlines their intentions and how little they actually care about harm to children.
Where are the DOGE bros for this government waste?
Nope sorry the best Trump can do is pardon a single drug dealer. The Libertarians must be thrilled at their art of the deal.
Beware the DEA kids. They knew about all the oxy all along. They knew about all the hydro. They knew every single major shipment going to Florida, Kentucky and wherever else this whole time. They knew about the opioid epidemic and they rubber stamped every shipment and quota request for the people making the drugs.
Goddamned right, our government threw its own citizens under the bus so pharmaceutical companies could make another billion. Then imprisoned the people who got addicted.
they rubber stamped every shipment and quota request for the people making the drugs.
I don’t have trouble believing this could be the case, but can you link some evidence?
So I’m out of the business now and quota guidelines have changed to a quarterly system (?) so i could be talking out my ass.
Rubber stamped might be over stating but shipment reports from registered manufacturers are reported, audited and archived for a long time. Records of shipments are constantly monitored between the distribution centers. How much active ingredient was also explicitly decided by the DEA iirc. So if a manufacturer needed to increase it’s output of a schedule 2 narcotic by a significant amount it must request the additional quota and it then goes through an approval process.
To go a step further and show just how significant quota is let me give you an example:
You have a shipment of product ready to go. Certificates of Exceptions/Assay/whatever paperwork you need to release. It’s been transitioned to the distribution center. You then find something that impacts that material and it needs to come back to the manufacturing (gmp) area. Once that comes back into the facility and then leaves again it will count against your quota. If 100kg of active leaves twice it’s 200kg as far as the DEA is concerned and you will have to destroy the left over 100kg you were provided and did not use.
It’s weed. Who cares? Do a campaign about prescription opiates or meth or something useful.
No see they get kickbacks from those so it’s ok
Do a campaign about prescription opiates or meth or something useful.
Poking at the opioid crisis would be worthwhile subversion of things.
Warning: avoiding marijuana can lead to unnecessary stress.
Your casual lawbreaking will be used against you.
This is exactly what had me scared straight for the longest time. It’s not the drug, it’s the system that punishes use of the drug that’s the real threat.
The fact that ex-convicts (people that have paid their debt to society) aren’t a protected class in the hiring process is beyond me. At least insofar as non-violent offenses go, there’s no cause to throw someone away like this. This goes especially considering the current state of political affairs around here.
“Corrective Rape” as a trope within the American prison system is probably the darkest part of this cartoon.
I would like to once again congratulate drugs for winning the war on drugs
If the DEA wanted to warn people of a real danger on the streets, they’d warn people about cops. Do you hsve ANY idea how many people cops kill every year? Yeah, me neither, because they don’t publish the real numbers. They don’t take accountability, they just hide everything.
Not just that, but the most dangerous thing about marijuana comes from it being illegal. A cop catching someone with pot will do more damage to their life than the weed ever could.
Hi crackheads :)