Is that a ray gun?
You’ve done such a good job here, and even more so for a first try - watercolour leaves no room for mistakes.
You’ve got some good shading in there, which is a very unforgiving, one-way process with watercolours. Great characterisation, pose and expression, too.
I’ve been seeing you post here for a while now and I always dig your stuff. I like this one the most so far. Keep it up!
I was a bit thrown by the coincidence of the adjacent posts in my feed:
Nice work. I’d love to see a graphic novel done entirely in this style.
I’m a sucker for a watercolor. This looks amazing!
Love it, how’s it compared to your markers?
Are you considering switching to watercolor? It certainly looks fantastic with your style.
I want to combine them. Markers are bad for large areas because they streak. I may end up digitally combinding watercolor backdrops with marker drawings. Right now I’m just testing out how to watercolor.
Wow, this is your first try!? This is really good!
Your first try is awesome, it took me a while to get anything remotely close to your shading with watercolor.
I really like the look of this
This is really good. I read a lot of kid’s books and always like ones illustrated with watercolor, and this is better than many, many illustrations I see.