Updating with Gov. Brian Kemp’s response:
The 2020 election in Georgia was not stolen.
For nearly three years now, anyone with evidence of fraud has failed to come forward - under oath - and prove anything in a court of law. Our elections in Georgia are secure, accessible, and fair and will continue to be as long as I am governor.
The future of our country is at stake in 2024 and that must be our focus.
Right after he unveils his healthcare plan and right after infrastructure week.
And his plan for peace in the Middle East.
No, Jared managed that quite well…
Oh wait, he “got a piece of the Middle East”…
Close enough!
I thought Jared Kushner already solved the Middle East years ago?
Still more believable than his plan to get me a big titty goth gamer gf.
It’s it really though?
Making humans chill a bit vs changing the laws that make up the universe? Both are difficult, but atleast peace is not at odds with physics.
Right after his beautiful healthcare plan
When does releasing his tax documents fit in?
Don’t forget the border wall with Mexico. Hey, at least that cunt DeSantis took over trying to start shit with Mexico 🙄
Listen, I’m sure Mexico will be sending us a check for that border wall any day now.
like does donny-rapist understand that presenting his “evidence” to the public and presenting to the court are two Very different things? If you have proof exonerating yourself you present it to the court at the time of trial, or you present it to the grand jury before indictment, which he was given plenty of chances to do and refused to do it.
Im suspicious that his “evidence” will be nothing but propaganda…
Of course he knows the difference. He only cares about the court of public opinion. He knows nothing good can happen legally for him. He’s hoping if he keeps a shiny nugget on the horizon long enough, his entourage might terrorize the court, witnesses or the prosecution enough to get him off.
He really has nothing else since it seems other GOP candidates are less likely to pardon him by the day.
Have to submit your “evidence” for discovery.
We just didn’t understand his 4d chess. The real trick is too make the US so shitty that Mexico builds a wall to stop people emigrating TO Mexico.
But not before he releases Obama’s “real” birth certificate
In two weeks ™
One last fuck you to American democracy before we throw the book at this two bit mobster.
He’ll present nothing and his supporters will forget about this announcement.
deleted by creator
His supporters don’t need good or correct answers; they just need answers- something to say at the rally to placate them until the next bright and shiny arrives to distract them again…
I don’t know, I hear the parking lot at Four Seasons Total Landscape still has room for a podium.
In two weeks, when no report has appeared, remind every single Trump supporter you encounter. Don’t let them forget this. Keep hammering on it. Keep asking when the report is going to drop. Don’t let them change the subject. Don’t let them talk about anything else. No matter what they want, keep demanding the report or that they admit he lied to them to placate them.
Not all. Some will find something they can point at and definitively say this is what he meant. It probably won’t be a report. It definitely won’t “prove” him right. It might even prove beyond all reasonable doubt that he’s guilty. But they will point to it and say that’s it. And they will have won (in their heads), the argument.
He will present a bunch of folders full of blank paper, again.
Anyone else remember when the my pillow guy had a 3 day event where he was gonna present his evidence of this? That was pretty fun. Hopefully this lives up to the hype and is even more wild and embarrassing than that one.
Yup, and it turned out the data he presented was a bunch of nonsense.
My favorite part was when they brought out their tech experts and they had to question if it was a Windows computer or not LOL
Oh, man, I missed that… I tuned in to see what they were going to do and they were just scrolling data, it was impossible to tell from the stream what it was.
But they made the mistake of turning the logs over to an actual researcher and he was like “Nah, ok, where’s my money.” LOL.
“He proved the data Lindell LLC provided, and represented reflected information from the November 2020 election, unequivocally did not reflect November 2020 election data,” the arbitrators wrote. “Failure to pay Mr. Zeidman the $5 million prize was a breach of the contract, entitling him to recover.”
My favorite part of that is that Zeidman is a Trumper too. One of them fucked over another one.
He’s done more than one of them and actually is kicking off another tomorrow in Missouri I believe.
Wow dude needs to get a better hobby lmao
Is he still being sued? The best thing about the OG one was it was announced he was being sued in the middle of it
Quick! Get events planning to start calling around landscaping supply stores!
Remember when that drunk lady testified in Michigan?
When Donald Trump first claimed the election was rigged. The Republican led Michigan state legislature, prior to deciding electors, invited him and his cabinent to present their evidence at an open session of their legislature; with the implications that if indeed there was legitimate evidence of widespread fraud in the state of Michigan they would use their Constitutional right to choose electors to modify who they sent to Congress.
Trump didn’t show, he didn’t send a representative he sent zero evidence. He was 100% hot air then, he’s 100% hot air now.
They did go as far as setting up “false electors” who have all now been charged with election law and forgery felonies. https://www.michigan.gov/ag/news/press-releases/2023/07/18/michigan-attorney-general-dana-nessel-charges-16-false-electors
This man is fucking exhausting. I am tired just listening to his bullshit lmao how his supporters still have the energy to support him is beyond me
What? It’s been like 3 years since his presence was oppressive. Shit, I’m getting my second wind.
So accurate. He’s also the prime example of the failures of his generation. Every boss I’ve had is from his generation and they all worship and emulate him. They think that running a business like him is why they’re successful and are totally ignorant of the fact that they were handed the world on a silver platter, promptly shit all over it, and now can’t understand why everything is falling apart around them.
I honestly believe that his obsession with being orange should preclude him from eligibility to hold any office of any kind. That’s just obvious mental disability right there, pure and simple.
It’s true for everyone that’s made themselves orange, but I think most people learn after doing it once, whereas he’s made it his identity. That and a bunch of other bad choices.
Oh, and I think you meant *depraved, but that could also be correct.
I think there is a stand up bit where they talk about Trump being orange is baffling. Can’t think of who it was, tho.
Also, I think I meant depraved originally but I also think Donald’s lack of sexual conquest really describes why his impulse control when it comes to women is so fucked.
Energy and money
Who are these fools that keep donating to the “billionaire”
Curse spreaders, rich and bored. Or they have some skin in the game that polarizing the nation or Donald’s policies helped.
I got 5 bucks that says he just discovered AI can write a report for you.
Step 1: Announce report that will exonerate me.
Step 2: Work on coming up with some bullshit. Hmm this is harder than I thought.
Step 3: Fail.
Step 4: Blame judges and liberals.
Step 1: announce a report coming out next week.
Step 2: ???
Step 3: profit
I think you’re being pretty naïve if you believe steps 2 and 3 exist, frankly.
He might be running a little late.
We are still waiting on the report that would fix the US healthcare system within weeks of him entering the White House 6 years ago. I think he also claimed to have a plan for world peace. Probably had something to do with just giving up and handing everything over to Putin, probably. Who knows. We never got that one either.
Still waiting on that report on Obama’s birth certificate for that matter…
Oh, that Futurama ep with the time traveling politician.
God that shows how long ago it all was. The show has been cancelled and brought back since then.
The show has been cancelled and brought back since then.
To be fair though given we’re talking about Futurama I have to ask which cancellation we’re talking about, because it has something like 4 series finales.
Don’t forget his brilliant Afghaniplan: withdraw over weeks instead of years and hand the country over to terrorists.
And yet somehow our worthless news media had the gall to throw tons of shade on Biden, not Trump, when Biden decided to finally throw in the towel and pull everyone out.
On the one hand it was an extremely shitty plan concocted by the Trump administration. On the other hand, Biden still followed through with it, knowing it was an extremely shitty plan concocted by the Trump administration.
To be fair Biden should have put a halt to it. Everyone knew it was going to be a disaster and he went with it.
Halt the pull-out? What, so we can be stuck there for another decade? Or dump another trillion dollars into that mess because the first 2 trillion dollars did so much?? Fuck that shit.
Halt was the wrong word on my part… slow the transition so that it could be done successfully. We definitely needed to get out but doing it on the ill-conceived deadline Trump set was stupid and had horrible consequences for the country and the region.
We gave them 2 goddamn decades to stand on their own. What the hell would have another 3 months done? 6 months? 2 years?
We don’t know. What we do know is the military leaders knew this was going to be a disaster and we’d basically be turning the country back over to the Talaban. What’s worse than 15+ years of time, money and lives lost. Knowingly vacating to turn the country over to our enemy, abandoning Afghans that worked with our military risking themselves and their families, all because of an arbitrary deadline set by a useless President that ignored his military advisors.
And at the end of his election fraud report, he’s going to announce that he’s going to make Mexico pay to build that wall!
Said the liar:
A Large, Complex, Detailed but Irrefutable REPORT on the Presidential Election Fraud which took place in Georgia is almost complete & will be presented by me at a major News Conference at 11:00 A.M. on Monday of next week in Bedminster, New Jersey. Based on the results of this CONCLUSIVE Report, all charges should be dropped against me & others – There will be a complete EXONERATION! They never went after those that Rigged the Election. They only went after those that fought to find the RIGGERS!
Oh, good. I was beginning to think maybe it was all false hype. Glad he’s finally gonna show us how it happened. /s
It warmed my heart that the author worked in the Four Seasons Total Landscaping stunt. Hahaha. What a joke. How anyone took their side seriously after that embarrassment is beyond me. Some people are very stupid.
Ah so that’s what we’re going to use as the new euphemism now… “The riggers”
Rigger, puh-leeeze!
Dats mah Rigger!
Is this report coming before or after the healthcare plan Trump repeatedly said he was going to release in the next two weeks?
After infrastructure week is over.
After the audit is over.
It’s always ‘we’ll show our evidence next week’ with these traitors.
How many times has he promised evidence of a stolen vote already?
How many times has he
promisedlied about evidence of a stolen vote already?He is a politician. Promises and lies are the same for those kind of people.
I’m sure it will release right along with his healthcare plan.
He’ll do it right after he releases his tax records
Like all this evidence he failed to present in court the last how many times?
He is just a notorious liar. Nothing more.
Trump next week: “The dog ate my irrefutable evidence!”
“The irrefutable evidence goes to a different school in Canada. You wouldn’t know her.”
Yeah bruv and I’ll gladly pay you on Monday for a hamburger today.
This is just a play to get his rubes to give him more money. Doesn’t matter what he says or shows, lots of morons will go e him cash that he’ll funnel right into his lawyers pockets. Like so many other things, this is a play for cash and time. Keep giving red meat to the base and they’ll keep lining his pockets