TL;DR I didn’t make it in time. Fuck you Trump!
Edit: For those asking, this was Please support them if you can.
TL;DR I didn’t make it in time. Fuck you Trump!
Edit: For those asking, this was Please support them if you can.
I may don’t know how the law works but I believe (at least in my vountry) if you agree on thr conditions you can’t pull a Darth Vader and alter the conditions after signing/ordering and paying.
Now if there is a clause that states otherwise this may change.
But I agree, at least they are open and upfront with it.
They are not changing anything. They are warning the customer import charges wil incur if the purchase proceeds. They gain nothing and stand to lose a sale.
Doesn’t matter on their end. If they wanted to they could ship it and let it get held up by customs with a demand to pay the tariff to release it.
Import duties are not always part of the agreement.
They didn’t change the rules, there is now a charge by the government on it getting delivered, not by the company.
I would change “not always” to “practically never”. Every e-commerce site I have ever used warns you that you are responsible for import duties if shipped internationally.
Completely agree, I was trying to avoid the “well actually” response.
I’ve had a number of items get held by FedEx (or whoever) because of import duties over the years and I’ve had to pay the delivery company to get it released.
This is a well worn path, and kudos to this one to warn you that new tarrifs are in place, the customer would be subject to them, and giving them an option to decline it.
The doctrine is called force majeure. Most contracts have a force majeure clause.
If an external factor makes a contract impossible as agreed, the contract can be made void under force majeure. This is very common, and suddenly applied tariffs would likely be covered by a force majeure clause because neither party were responsible for them.