It’s dreadful. Two of the musketeers are clearly doing so many lines between takes to cope with it that they might as well be in Scarface. The third one is drunk. And then there’s Tim, treating the whole thing like a glorious pantomime.
I feel like that movie, Street Fighter and Robin Hood Prince of Thieves are an unofficial trilogy of terrible movies saved by panto villains.
I read somewhere:
“If a movie with Tim Curry is rated one star out of five; he’s the reason the movie got that star”
See The Three Musketeers for proof.
It’s dreadful. Two of the musketeers are clearly doing so many lines between takes to cope with it that they might as well be in Scarface. The third one is drunk. And then there’s Tim, treating the whole thing like a glorious pantomime.
I feel like that movie, Street Fighter and Robin Hood Prince of Thieves are an unofficial trilogy of terrible movies saved by panto villains.
Oh dude the 3 musketeers was an awesome movie.