Why does it feel that the evil sides globally are winning. Even evil people are winning. Why?

  • the_three_tomatoes@lemmy.world
    5 days ago

    I think about this often. It’s the overall world view for some people. It’s hard to escape the bubble, despite us clearly seeing how stupid the bubble is from the outside. Sometimes I wonder if some people are so afraid of failure that they have to have something, anything, to hang their pride on. Choosing your race or skin color to be proud of is much easier than being proud of your community or actions or cultural expression or scientific achievements. Probably because those things shift and change and require thought and patience. In their minds, they may not think they are privileged but rather victims. They may not think they are racist, but that they are looking our for their own and just misunderstood. A lot of it is victim-mentality and quite frankly collectively narcassistic. I don’t think this is unique to white supremacists, but any supremacists at all.