Critical for the center-left. If Dems in SFO can’t get it together and admit pelosi’s worth is more as a stock portfolio to copy and less for any good she can do politically, it’s a sign of how much worse it has to get before the broader center left awakes.
Socially liberal but economically SFO pretty center leaning hard right in tech now. Hope primaries destroy her and force democratic party bloodbath long since needed.
wealthy people aint gonna vote against their own interests. Chicaoland and NYC have the same types of politicians because they’re full of rich fucks. They jusy pay lip service to black folks, unions, and virtue signalling to get the votes.
Be a pretty good litmus test for the party. I mean if the Democratic party can’t jettison this woman of all people then they’re beyond hope and there’s no reason any of us should be voting for them anymore. Imperative we have to start our own party at that point.
Yeah I wish this was true. But people need another slap in the face. Yeah the 2024 election should have been enough, but they really need to know that despite all of that the same shit will keep happening over and over. They got to get slapped in the face by the dick of liberal indifference. No other way they’re going to learn their lesson.
Critical for the center-left. If Dems in SFO can’t get it together and admit pelosi’s worth is more as a stock portfolio to copy and less for any good she can do politically, it’s a sign of how much worse it has to get before the broader center left awakes.
Socially liberal but economically SFO pretty center leaning hard right in tech now. Hope primaries destroy her and force democratic party bloodbath long since needed.
wealthy people aint gonna vote against their own interests. Chicaoland and NYC have the same types of politicians because they’re full of rich fucks. They jusy pay lip service to black folks, unions, and virtue signalling to get the votes.
Be a pretty good litmus test for the party. I mean if the Democratic party can’t jettison this woman of all people then they’re beyond hope and there’s no reason any of us should be voting for them anymore. Imperative we have to start our own party at that point.
That moment has long passed, it’s more “how many and how early will Dems see the light and start supporting new 3rd party candidates?”
Yeah I wish this was true. But people need another slap in the face. Yeah the 2024 election should have been enough, but they really need to know that despite all of that the same shit will keep happening over and over. They got to get slapped in the face by the dick of liberal indifference. No other way they’re going to learn their lesson.