Highly cat dependent. Our cat knows “no” so when she keeps doing something, we spray her. She still cuddles us in bed and meets us at the door.
The main thing was jumping on the coffee table. I think it also helps that our table lifts up, and we let her jump on the in between part, so she sees it as a treat.
Highly cat dependent. Our cat knows “no” so when she keeps doing something, we spray her. She still cuddles us in bed and meets us at the door.
The main thing was jumping on the coffee table. I think it also helps that our table lifts up, and we let her jump on the in between part, so she sees it as a treat.
Nopopppooooo yoouulll squish the poor kitty!!! You monster!!
/s obviously. It’s crazy how worked up people get online, how convinced they are that their way is the only right way.