Archive link:
These words are included in the official CNN transcript too:
Archive link:
These words are included in the official CNN transcript too:
Remember how every accusation was a confession.
Remember how they wouldn’t shut the fuck up about voter fraud, illegals voting, machine tampering.
Notice that suddenly all those problems went away.
Yeah, I was wondering about this after the last election. The democrats seemed awfully confident there was no fraud… But this is a pretty damning admission.
Jesse Jackson went to Biden and Harris and warned them there was fraud, and a group of computer security experts wrote repeatedly to the Vice President to alert her to the fact that voting systems were breached by Trump allies in 2021 and 2022 and to pleaded with her to seek recounts in key states to ensure election verification.. It’s 2004 all over again.
Yes, it’s DARVO (deny, attack, and reverse victim & offender):
Also known as “doing an Israel”
or “doing a US health insurance”