That moment when your relatives or family friends gift you Russian chocolate candy like it’s a special treat but you just really don’t want to put it in your mouth
I feel like the biggest give away is that you’d notice pretty quickly whether or not something is chocolate. The fact that this guy ate cremated ashes and STILL assumed it was chocolate is unbelievable.
You’re right, I got a bit ahead of myself. Allow me to clarify. In general, the wind in Russia moves from east to west, which is a consideration in both air travel and windmill construction. However, helicopters are among the least impacted aircraft due to their free-form movement and large, stable propellers. Takeoff and landing can both occur within a relatively small area even in unfavorable conditions. I hope that answers any lingering questions.
upon scouring the internet, the only reference I can find to Russian horse ash vases is this meme. I don’t think this is real
It’s not real. The kind of chocolate used in these is just shit. Source: a former child who had to eat those.
That moment when your relatives or family friends gift you Russian chocolate candy like it’s a special treat but you just really don’t want to put it in your mouth
could you find me a link for something that talks about this awful Russian chocolate? cuz I couldn’t find that either
I guess I can give you a link to how it looks packaged
It can also be St Claus (Grandfather Frost in Russia) or a bear
I feel like the biggest give away is that you’d notice pretty quickly whether or not something is chocolate. The fact that this guy ate cremated ashes and STILL assumed it was chocolate is unbelievable.
not if your a dark chocolate liker B)
you need to eat better chocolate, normal dark chocolate tastes fine if a little bitter.
Even after covid?
I searched all my cupboards for Russian chocolate. It is all crumbly and objectively terrible/an acquired taste.
Could be real, can’t be too sure, gotta double check.
As an expert on equine burials in the pacific, I’d like to weigh in. Ocean burials make up the overwhelming majority of pacific horse funerals, but there have been notable advances in stratospheric inurnment in recent years.
what about the ash vase chocolate thing?
You’re right, I got a bit ahead of myself. Allow me to clarify. In general, the wind in Russia moves from east to west, which is a consideration in both air travel and windmill construction. However, helicopters are among the least impacted aircraft due to their free-form movement and large, stable propellers. Takeoff and landing can both occur within a relatively small area even in unfavorable conditions. I hope that answers any lingering questions.
I love you.
yes, that answers everything. thank you