How about cocky behavior therapy?
Cocknitive balls therapy?
Cognitive Ball Torture.
I knew of “smart ass”, but “smart balls” sounds nice for sure too!
I keep my smart ass & my smart balls in my smarty pants.
People be gaslighting themselves into being not ok all day every day
That’s pretty much the theory in how CBT works.
I’m not a therapist. Is the idea that you forget about all of your problems because your balls are being tortured?
Yes - tortured using a burning hot gas-light, from what I understand.
Wait, is this the comment thread where we make our small cums into medium sized cums?
You just need to miss a day of good gaslighting and take a sip of reality to be miserable.
From years of experience working in mental health, people pretty much have an “average” mood set (mostly) independently from their life situation. There are lots of people who are really ok when bad things happen in their lives, and lots of people who are dour or sad about things even when they’re fine. Ultimately, lots of people don’t need any “sips of reality to be miserable,” they’ve just decided to be miserable regardless. Obviously all of this is serious generalization and is not universally applicable.
I found dialectal behavior therapy in particular had a strong focus towards preparing me to face injustice by teaching me how to control, conserve, and target my energy most effectively towards such goals.
DBT 4 lyfe. I’m a strong believer that literally everyone would benefit from learning DBT skills. Interpersonal communication, distress tolerance, emotional regulation, and mindfulness are all skills people can practice and develop
I’ve found both CBT and DBT helpful.
Did… You just prove that god doesn’t exist?