If you think any one person is capable of fully comprehending every relevant detail of every important issue in the country, you clearly don’t comprehend even a single one of them. Frequently, the only rational decision is “Delegate to an entity with the time, resources, and expertise to take into consideration the myriad factors at play”.
Are you one of those crackpots who thinks Congress can’t delegate authority to executive agencies to make regulations?
Nice name calling. Did daddy come up with that for you?
Its congress’s job to make decisions. Its important that we have elected officials making the rules, not just some guy in a suit.
If you think any one person is capable of fully comprehending every relevant detail of every important issue in the country, you clearly don’t comprehend even a single one of them. Frequently, the only rational decision is “Delegate to an entity with the time, resources, and expertise to take into consideration the myriad factors at play”.
Then let those people be elected.