Especially really good and satisfying gun sound effects.
Well in terms of taking advantage of really good headphones. Senua’s Sacrifice
Headphones absolutely mandatory. Hellblade is the first title that came to mind seeing this thread.
This was the first thing I thought of too.
Yeah, great experience with headphones!
That game HAS to be played with headphones or a super good surround sound. The directionality of the voices in Senua’s head is next level.
I was walking while listening to the new trailer and it made me uncomfortable. Can’t wait
I haven’t experienced anything quite like HuntShowdown. It’s a slower-than-most extraction shooter with several objectives on each map.
Every sound matters. You can hear people shooting in the next compound over, but you can also hear someone crouch behind the wall next to you. You have to watch for sound traps like birds, horses, dogs, etc. Always be on the move because if you stop, someone might already be taking aim to shoot you through the wall.
Yeah it is without hyperbole the best sound engine / sound design of any game I’ve ever played.
This is mine too. I switched from closed back to open back headphones to better experience the sound in Hunt Showdown
Two moments made me fall in love with Hunt:
My first game was in the early beta when nighttime missions were legitimately dark as hell. I spawned knee-deep in the swamp. Crouchwalking around through a swamp where I couldn’t see anything, hearing all sorts of weird shit everywhere and trying to avoid it like I was stuck in a horror game.
Realizing that someone was hiding in an outhouse, because I heard them breathing. Just to see if it would work, I stabbed them right through the wood with my bowie knife. Yep, it works.
I had a solo match where I played really well, third partied a lot and almost wiped the server (before the necro change). At the end it was just me, Scrapbeak, and one guy hidden somewhere in the base. I start looking for him, going from house to house, and then I turn the corner going up some stairs and I just instantly die. Dude headshots me with a pistol at the same moment I see him and it’s game over for me. All that work, all that luck, and I die just like that. Hunt giveth and hunt taketh away and god damn I am just sold
Hellblade was already mentioned (prime example imho), so I’d give shoutout to the entire Supergiant’s game catalogue. So much time and effort went into sound design and music in all their games, it’s remarkable.
Oh yes! Hellblade: Senuas Sacrifice was absolutely fantastic with headphones. Probably the best audio experience I ever had in a game.
Elite Dangerous has some amazing sound design.
Both Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom have fantastic sound design. The environmental sounds of wind, water, trees and wildlife accompanied by that understated soundtrack makes you feel out in the wilds even though the graphics are minimal.
Subnautica. Sound takes you to fear:)
Scariest game I’ve ever played.
The sound designers at Bungie deserve double their pay.
Destiny has plenty of issues but sound design is not one of them. Some of those gun sounds are orgasmically good, and so satisfying to shoot.
The feeling of guns in general is the best in any game I’ve ever played
Agreed. The gunplay is magical.
Not the gun sound effects, not the sound track, problably not a lot of things - but the atmosphere the sound effects in Control created, man it’s like 50% of what makes the game what it is, and it’s a truly great game.
I always thought of control as “that tech demo game with DLSS”. It’s actually a good game?
If you like action-adventures, the paranormal and strong audiovisuals, absolutely. If character development of the protagonist is important to you, definitely not. The storytelling is solid otherwise, though.
But the sound and visual design work just so well to create this atmosphere or mood that let me immerse deeply but that also let me sigh in relief when I quit the game. It gave me this almost constant sense of dread even though it’s not terrifying like a horror game at all (and I really hate horror games or movies) that fit the story so well. It’s hard to describe, it’s weirdly different but not in a bad way.
If you have the HW power, I recommend playing with RT but without DLSS. Otherwise with RT and DLSS. DLSS does introduce some weird kind of artifacts or such sometimes. Not bad, just better without if you can.
Edit: I guess if you’re looking for epic quests, this might also not be the right game - heck, it’s hard to describe or say what’s good or bad about this game, it’s all kind of intertwined. All I can say that I think the package is an excellent game made with a lot of attention to detail. And with that unnerving sound design, that I kinda hate to endure, but love how well it’s made and fits the game.
I’ll add on that the little notes, journals, and audio files you find throughout the game are some excellent world building.
undefined> I guess if you’re looking for epic quests, this might also not be the right game
Except of course the Ashtray Maze, which is undeniably epic
Control is pretty great.
I came here to say Control.
Love me some Brutalism so you might have convinced me to try it.
Oh, if you love Brutalism, Control is definitely THE game for you
I think I got this for free on Epic and I haven’t touched it, but this might change that.
Yea, it was free there some time ago, and I think also in PS Plus at some point.
Doom 2016 - remake of a classic that everyone loved, with the soundtrack being a very large part of it.
Hi-Fi rush.
Thank me later.
Absolutely magnificent game. I wish we got more mid sized games instead of every new game being a 100h+ second job.
Do you have any suggestions for games like HiFi? I found it super comfy. Doesn’t need to be music based, I just found the design, style and character interactions nice
Not really. HiFi Rush reminded me a little bit of Lego Star Wars (which also Had a mechanic that made you deal more damage if you attacked on beat with your lightsaber!), but that may have been my nostalgia for the Lego game more than some deeper similarities
Well, there is a game that’s been designed specifically for that. Metal Hellsinger, you can play a demo for free. It’s a doom style shooter that rewards you for shooting and reloading to the beat of metal music, which is dynamic to how well you are doing and the situation. Really cool concept and really rewarding to get a combo going.
Never heard of it. Thanks.
Given that you asked for guns specifically I’ll go out on a limb and say we are very different gamers!
But Subnautica would be my suggestion. Crazy good sound design.
Interesting you bring up Subnautica, because I remember thinking when I played it “Wow, this game sounds a lot like Half Life!” And wouldn’t you know it, the devs started out as Half Life modders. It goes without saying that the sound design in Half Life is impeccable, and truly iconic. Clearly they learned something!
Definitely seconding this suggestion.
TIL! Makes sense now you mention it though!
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Unrelated and this is very unlikely but is your name a reference to Deep Rock Galactic by any chance?
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Rock and stone to the bone!
Warframe has great sound design, and it’s f2p. The Corinth shotgun sounds like God slamming a car door.
While not the greatest games, I’ve found that the newer Star Wars Battlefront games have some of the best sound design in any game I’ve ever played. Especially the thermal imploder. Definitely a highlight of an otherwise alright game.
Any Dice game, really. The Battlefield games have always had incredible sound design.
Disclaimer: I haven’t played the latest one.
Hi-Fi Rush, Doom 2016 and Eternal, Hades, and Warhammer 40K: Mechanicus, off the top of my head. All very different games but all with exceptional music.