Yup, they were specifically referring to the PC edition, which makes a lot more sense.
Yup, they were specifically referring to the PC edition, which makes a lot more sense.
Maybe I misunderstood your point, but I think the original comment was saying they like buying physical, transferable copies of games (ie. disks) because of the points they mentioned. The Starfield physical copy is pointless because you’re not getting a transferable copy, you’ll just get a single use code (which is the same as buying digital). The only reason people would want the Starfield physical copy is to have an item on their shelf.
Thanks for doing this! Participation is so important right now as Lemmy gets started.
I want to give a shout-out to https://lemmy.ml/c/xbox. Always need more people to talk Xbox!
Thanks for posting. Ben Felix is great.
Thanks for posting the review thread! I always enjoy the discussion that goes with them. Mandalore on YouTube also has a good review of this.
I’ll admit I’m haven’t really been into much of the Aliens universe, so just on gameplay alone it looks like it could be an ok game on sale.
Pretty sure they are thinking of Starfield.
xDefiant is an upcoming one that might scratch that itch.
Summer Sale: June 29 - July 13 (major seasonal sale
Kind of the same for me. I really liked the prologue and the combat felt good, but I just felt bored by the world and characters. It felt like a bland open world game with the points of interest and collectables. And on top of that, the choice system didn’t resonate with me.
Ya, I’d also like to see a 40fps mode. Really adds to the smoothness. Todd Howard suggested that they still had a decent amount of overhead, just not enough to hit 60 consistently. Would be nice if 40 became a new standard option, at least.
Ya, when switching between the modes, you can really feel the difference. Funnily enough, Jedi Survivor was one of the few games I actually preferred the 30fps mode. Even with VRR, the performance mode was just too inconsistent for me.
I would really like to see a balanced, 40fps mode on Starfield. If they can’t consistently maintain the 60fps mode, at least offer some choice for people who want a higher framerate, even if there are other concessions (ie. inconsistent performance).
Loop Hero might be one to check out. The game has an auto-battle mechanic, and you basically just manage the map and the base.
Ya, meant lemmy.ml.
Is this really a thing lately? Maybe on some Switch games, but I think most modern games can have a dynamic framerate.
Ya, they just talked about this on Digital Foundry. Starfield (as with most Bethesda games) has a bunch of persistent objects and NPCs to track, which makes is most likely CPU limited. They showed a city section in Star Citizen which was getting like 20fps, which would be a better comparison than No Mans Sky.
How’s Gunfire? That game seems like it would be nauseating in VR because of the fast pace and amount of effects.
Ya, I agree that what they have is promising. I really do hope they can finish the game as I’m really excited by the ideas they have.
People like to call the game a scam, but they’ve actually delivered something tangible. I personally don’t think I’d enjoy the game in it’s current state (and it kind of shocks me the amount of money people have put into Star Citizen), but the fundamentals seem to be there for a real game. They just have to “finish the owl,” so to speak.
I think people kind of just like laughing at how ridiculous Star Citizen is, and kind of rightly so. Over half a billion dollars and a decade in development just for what they’ve got is pretty wild.
I’m excited because of Starfield. It was still an enjoyable game to me.
If they can keep the combat and stories, but condense the world and add that sense of exploration from their older games, I would be happy.