Last one is the only one I actually got (and MHA actually). It’s animal crossing. Edit: Oh! Second to last is Artemis Fowl
Fantasy animal blood Sports is 100% pokemon. I’m not sure about Florida man, though.
Yes; dog fighting is an animal blood sport, iirc.
I meant sports in general. Like football or basketball. Lots of people yelling alone in their living rooms.
In that case, I’m not sure what information your single-word question is requesting.
My apologies for being unclear. My original comment was in response to:
I’m not sure about Florida man, though.
I was suggesting that Florida man may be any non-specified sport.
Gotchya ty.
Tiny people gotta be Attack on Titan
I thought it is LOTR
Nah, go classic. Gantz.
im annoyed i didn’t get those because i am avid fans of both.
I thought the mha one was Steven Universe
3rd last Legend of Zelda (Ocarina of Time)?
I don’t think so? There’s at least 2 people getting hand-me-downs.
deleted by creator
I’m not entirely sure how I made that mistake. 😂
weirdly attractive robot gives you a gun and makes you walk through differently shaped rooms. then, you walk through other differently shaped rooms without the robot making you. depending on the version, other robots make you walk through differently shaped rooms.
100% has to be.
maybe (yes)
Psychopaths killing psychopaths for better guns.
This fits most shooter games
The most kid filled shooter, because kids are psychos. So Fortnite?
I’m also thinking Borderlands
You’re dead, everyone you meet is dead, the world itself is dead… And yet it just keeps going and getting worse, somehow.
E: I assure you, this is a game franchise and not just a metaphor for real life.
Dark souls, final answer
Nier Replicant?
a bunch of dumbass scientists shove a cool crystal into a big device that somehow leads to several alien invasions.
They’re waiting for you, Gordon. In the test chamberrrr.
why do we all have to wear these ridiculous ties?
Gordon Freeman, in the flesh.
Alt: a scientist comes late to work, causes apocalypse
captain underpants or the avengers
- Pokemon
- ?
- My Hero Academia
- Attack on Titan
- Zelda?
- Animal Crossing
Pretty sure 5 is Artemis Fowl.
But that’s a good description of that series, or at least the first book. So it’s a pretty bad, bad description.
2 is probably Fight Club
I don’t think you can call an independent novel/movie part of a ‘franchise’.
Gay people argue in front of a judge, and your ghost mentor makes your friend’s boobs grow bigger while giving you advice.
Pheonix Wright
I was tempted to just say “gay lawyers”, but the challenge was a BAD description, and that one is just too good.
Oh yeah, that reminds me to download those games onto my 2ds. And the professor Layton games.
And the Ace Attorney/Layton crossover game! I highly recommend.
I learned japanese solely to play this game when they said it would never be localized. I also played the first 3 layton games in japanese as practice/warm up. then shortly after I finished the whole ordeal it came out in english. the localization was pretty iffy though
A promising young athlete gets cool face tattoos and befriends a cranky dog tamer
I didn’t know Mike Tyson’s autobiography was made into a video game
Travel the galaxy, pick your favorite prime color.
Could be Elite:Dangerous.
Ha. Good guess but no. The prime color is more of a dig at the ending if that gives you more of a hint.
Ah, I’m an idiot. Mass Effect, of course. Am I right ?
Green is a secondary color
Oh, true… I blame “RGB” gaming stuff for my mistake 😅
Star Trek
thousands of really annoying people suddenly descend upon a small town and absolutely terrorize it in a never-ending festival of 24/7 raves and street racing, causing countless car wrecks and massive property damage to the locals
Forza Horizon!
you bet
I had that game but never paid attention to how it worked. somehow missed all that.
It’s great. Everyone is so happy that you’re driving around their beautiful country because it’s FORZA!
That almost sounds like real life Donegal Rally weekend!
The wild one
a sociopathic mammal gets elected as the president of the united states, and through the power of friendship defeats a rainbow cult on the moon by violently murdering its leader.
sounds like another trump term
Okay I have to know wtf you’re talking about
it’s a brief summary of the second half of Sam & Max: Save The World.
dammit I should have got that
I would’ve never gotten that. Ty.
telltale’s sam and max games are great it’s shame they are overshadowed by the rest of telltale’s library.
i didn’t even mention he got elected by winning an snap election after murdering the president himself against the reanimated statue of Abraham Lincoln, and the head of this statue later in the franchise impregnates one of the main characters of the series and leads a coordinated strike of huge robots against an eldritch horror, designed as a distraction for the A team containing but not limited to his pregnant wife, a huge cockroach and the monster’s best friend to stop the monster.
I’m almost certain I’ve never even heard of this.
Internet spaceships is serious business.
Star Citizen?
Or is it EVE online?
woman hunts metal animals for some fuckin reason idk
That’s a pretty good description of Horizon
Worse, spoiler version:
!Robot makes woman to kill robots!<
and gets turned into Lego minifigure as a punishment?
Plastic woman hunts plastic metal animals for some reason
Because she’s rad!
Extremely strong man destroys and builds stuff
Wreak it Ralph?
Destry the local economy by flooding the market with groceries, animal products, and fermented goods.
While going into town twice a week to love bomb the locals
Most rpgs with a sell function do that. Undertale was really smart with that.