That’s way too much. I’ll make you one for just $330.
TLDR: He doesn’t like it and says it tastes exactly like any other $3 cup, lol
My takeaway wasn’t that he didn’t like it, he did. Just not worth the absurd price unless you want to literally pay for the privilege.
That’s not what he said at all.
Yeah that’s a very editorialized version and I hate that it’s the top comment.
Obviously the coffee isn’t going to be 100x better or more unique than a normal espresso. The point of the video was not to “discover” this, and if that’s all you got out of it, you missed the point.
It’s a product for rich people who want to tell a story.
If your yearly income is $10,000,000, a $335 cup of coffee costs as much to you as a $1.69 cup costs to someone with average income.I don’t think he makes 10 mil/year
No, but in his case, the video about it makes more than $335.
Just because someone is charging that price does not mean that’s how valuable the product is.
People are fucking stupid and will buy anything to make themselves feel rich and special. 🙄
That’s exactly the point of the video
Haha yes. I also love how polite Hoffman conveys the message that this is fucking dumb.
As someone who has tried very expensive yet very bad tasting kopi luwak, I feel comfortable saying this is also a load of shit.
kopi luwak is literally from shit though, and no serious coffee connoisseur considers it to be good.
A fool and his money…
He probably made a lot more than that on the video. Plus he basically told the world it’s not worth it. Kind of a bad deal overall for the sellers. No wonder they didn’t want him filming inside the cafe!
$335 espresso machine?