Why are you asking a question?
Why are you asking a question?
In what way do you think?
Cannot really say that about Lenin or Trotski. They did get killed before the fat lady sung…so
Austerity seems to be working
That is because she is what we call a Louis Vuitton Communist. She will say anything and do whatever in order to acquire wealth and power
She is full of inconsistencies
Missing the point. The joke is that there is an artificial cut off at 6 feet, or at DD breasts, or at A cup breasts. Whatever
Clearly yes or no penis is not the same.
Being 5’11’’, 3cm les than 6ft would not be gross
Everyone has a right to choose what they want. Absolutely
If this was a guy saying he only dates DD girls would he be a douche?
Having a single physical trait as a deciding factor without considering anything else makes for a shallow person
That is the point
Guys that think they are owed something are wrong as well
The shortest and the dumbest and the most superficial ones
Bullet dodged
Check my edit. Applies perfectly to you
Easy, more safety, less speed, less fun
Yes, Starlink went down and put a gun to their heads and made them jack off to furry porn in front of their moms while their uncles gave head to some nonbinary alligators
Edit: All you dorks realize how ironic it is you are upvoting this post and downvoting my comment surfing Lemmy?
The internet is what you make of it. Starlink or Musk or anyone for that matter cannot make these people surf the web. They are surfing the web
Saying, “poor people they would be better off without, they are now ADDICTED” is patronizing and an imperialist point of view
Get your heads out of your ass
Why TF would you package an avocado???
Veggies need no packaging or laser etching for that matter
This is cultural waste
Ugly couple. Who are they?
“News” right…
Palestinian mother uses rag found on ground to wipe the blood of her dead child
This is a plus. I wanna see those orange titties dancing
The only people on facebook are your racist uncle, hippie aunt, and your crackhead neighbour looking for used panties on marketplace
Does it have skins?
Zionism is an economic policy disguised in social policy rhetoric that purports to ensure the survival of Israel and the Jewish people.
[Rhymes with Zionism] is an economic policy disguised in social policy rhetoric that purports to ensure the survival of [Germany] and the [German] people.
Both of these rhetorics are deeply grounded in economic incentives where wealth is taken from a marginalized group and transferred to the group in power
Both dehumanize the marginalized group and try to generate fear of that group amongst the population
Both are ideologies of murder that end in genocide and/or holocaust
The lessons of WW2 must not be forgotten
It harms communities as well. Avocados are a narco business now
Point of the article: If Americans stop eating avocados (doing drugs) this will all solve itself /s
A fool and his money…