A small but cool detail, Luke even says “I hate the Empire too but there’s nothing I can do about it right now.”
Although I think the Expanded Universe ruins this detail by establishing that “the academy” Luke wanted to join was actually a rebel academy, even though that makes far less sense.
wasn’t it more like he wanted to join the Imperial Academy to simply get trained and then would defect just like all his friends did? I mean that’s how I interpreted it from the EU comics and books, especially the Rogue Squad media. That’s exactly what Biggs did and Luke wanted to follow in his footsteps. That’s what the majority of Rebel pilots did. Either join the Imp Academy and Defect or signup with CorSec and do pretty much the same.
The Rogue Squadron and Wraith Squadron books are pretty good, by far my favorite SW series of novels. The comics are decent, art is a bit hit or miss (it’s surprising how many artists simply couldn’t draw an X-Wing or Tie Fighter) but towards the end of the run it gets a bit “weird” with the Baron Soontir Fel stuff. Darkhorse comics really hung their cap on Fel being the next big Star Wars character.
But both established that Biggs, Porkins, Wedge, Hobbie, Wes, Han Solo, etc defected or escaped the Academy. The Solo movie took a bit of this except changed it with Han being in the army instead. and they canonized it at least for Wedge and Hobbie with SW Rebels. it was established for Biggs in A New Hope at least with the deleted scenes.
And if I remember correctly Luke was wanting to join the Imperial Academy but his uncle kept him on the hydro farm another year.
Luke was just prior to that even a willing participant of the empire. He wanted to be a pilot, if only to get out of Tatooine.
A small but cool detail, Luke even says “I hate the Empire too but there’s nothing I can do about it right now.”
Although I think the Expanded Universe ruins this detail by establishing that “the academy” Luke wanted to join was actually a rebel academy, even though that makes far less sense.
Sometimes writers make something good accidentally, then keep yapping until it contradicts itself, I suppose.
wasn’t it more like he wanted to join the Imperial Academy to simply get trained and then would defect just like all his friends did? I mean that’s how I interpreted it from the EU comics and books, especially the Rogue Squad media. That’s exactly what Biggs did and Luke wanted to follow in his footsteps. That’s what the majority of Rebel pilots did. Either join the Imp Academy and Defect or signup with CorSec and do pretty much the same.
I don’t think I’ve read Rogue Squad, so maybe I’m thinking of something else.
The Rogue Squadron and Wraith Squadron books are pretty good, by far my favorite SW series of novels. The comics are decent, art is a bit hit or miss (it’s surprising how many artists simply couldn’t draw an X-Wing or Tie Fighter) but towards the end of the run it gets a bit “weird” with the Baron Soontir Fel stuff. Darkhorse comics really hung their cap on Fel being the next big Star Wars character.
But both established that Biggs, Porkins, Wedge, Hobbie, Wes, Han Solo, etc defected or escaped the Academy. The Solo movie took a bit of this except changed it with Han being in the army instead. and they canonized it at least for Wedge and Hobbie with SW Rebels. it was established for Biggs in A New Hope at least with the deleted scenes.