My hand joints are getting better finally and I wanna learn an instrument. The thing is, I’m dumb and have struggled really badly with reading music in the past.
My hand joints are getting better finally and I wanna learn an instrument. The thing is, I’m dumb and have struggled really badly with reading music in the past.
Here’s everything I have learned to play because it was easy as shit:
The only instrument I have learned that was difficult and took years to get even semi okay at was piano. And I mostly attribute that to my small hands, because I can play so much better on a MicroKORG than a full size keyboard.
Hmm, I’d say the Theramin is easy to have fun with, but to actually learn to play songs it is up there in difficulty with the violin. It is one of, if not THE most precise instrument there is.
A cheap, crappy theramin is harder to play than a really good one. It’s pretty easy to play and learn regardless; you just hold your hand in the right spot… It’s a lot less complicated than fingering a stringed instrument.
Just like a harmonica; I can play things on one off sheet music, but it’s not like I’m capable of busting out Blues Traveler solos. Easy to pick up and learn; but it’s not quite as easy to master.
Not enough music features cannons.
1812 overture… Any others? Seems like something GWAR might have included somewhere.