I typically don’t care about things like hairstyle, makeup or clothes. But my wife has started giving herself a buzz cut and I simply hate it. I told her and she grew it out for a while, but she said longer hair was making her depressed and it needed to be a buzz cut. She said it just looks like her when she sees it. Part of me thinks that’s gender euphoria and she’s just around the corner from realising that she’s trans. I would not be comfortable continuing the relationship in that case. (She has said she feels a-gender but not male).

I’ve tried to tolerate it, but I dislike looking at her now and it’s contributing to me being depressed now. I don’t want these feelings every time I look at my wife.

We’ve generally had a good relationship over about one and a half decades, with two young children. We’re also codependent and own a house together.

It would make things difficult if we separate. I really don’t want to separate just because of a haircut, but I’ve definitely been thinking about it. I just don’t know what to do.

  • AgentOrangesicle@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    It could indeed. I think we all have some aesthetics we give weight to whether or not we refuse to acknowledge it. It’s just worth making sense of how much and how it affects you. Is it enough to run out of a relationship with a family of 1.5 decades?