No me gusta at all
As someone learning Japanese I’d recomend you not learn from duolingo
For Japanese use genki, them quartet
I am currently going through genki
Can you give more detail about why you don’t like duolingo and why you do like genki?
To expand on why I don’t like duolingo it’s because you can’t structure the lessons and the material to work best for you
Genki and quartet which I will do after genki is part of my own personalised lesson structure
By gathering your own resources you can structure the lessons best for you
Renshuu is also really great if you’re willing to pay a little bit - it’s like Japanese Genki with a built-in community!
What to use for French? Anyone got an idea?
The back of cereal boxes. Worked for me, I can order Cheerios in half the known world.
I second that for Chinese. Use HelloChinese.
Does that include lessons for Canto by any chance? Or just Mando?
Just mandarin. There’s not many resources for Cantonese that I found when searching. You’re likely best off hiring a tutor.
Finally, language learning with real world applications
Not that it matters because the point comes across fine, and being hyper fixated on grammar is a form of gatekeeping, but “badly” seems weird here. It might just be an American English or regional American thing to me, but in school, the whole good/well & bad/poor thing was made pretty distinct. Good and bad were descriptors of action where well and poor were descriptors of feeling. I can do good (things) or do bad (things), but things can go well or go poorly.
Grammar stackexchange seems to disagree with me though
As an American, I would definitely use poorly in this context. But since it seems they’re an English speaker learning French, I think it makes sense to say badly. It’s a more direct translation for mal, the word they’re learning
French and existential ennui, name a better duo.