There is historical record in the west going back to at least WWII acknowledging that area as Chinese territorial waters. Just because you only follow news cycles while they’re hot, doesn’t mean all of history prior to now stops existing.
There is historical record in the west going back to at least WWII acknowledging that area as Chinese territorial waters. Just because you only follow news cycles while they’re hot, doesn’t mean all of history prior to now stops existing.
Yep that’s the one I saw there I think. Drone goes into a little kiosk and then you pick it up from the claim window thing.
I like Chinas drone delivery model, you can look up videos of it online.
Splinter Cell 1 was the first game I got when I built one of my computers, and I went out and bought a surround sound set up just for it. Totally worth it. It blew my mind after dealing with chintzy desktop 2.0 setups and onboard speakers before that my whole life.
I still use those, how else can you hear your POST codes?
**16. **Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine. Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity.
A lot, probably most, of my hours on steam are from before they tracked it. I had 3,000 hours in CS:S and it shows 0 because I stopped playing long ago. Steams been around for a long time, much longer than its ability to track games, so I imagine there’s a lot of people with “unplayed” games that they’ve played, plus people like you that don’t show their hours for whatever reason.
There’s news articles claiming MLK was secretly funded by the USSR to bring disorder to the US, and it was considered credible at that time by the majority of the white population. The point isn’t people’s reactions, when the civil rights act passed the majority of America thought MLK was a terrible person harming America. The point is to create enough disruption that the people with the power to do so are forced to take action or risk outright collapse of the social order.
There’s actually already a solution for it, but right now it only focuses on endangered birds.
Good candidate for nationalization, that is, if we lived in a country that cared about solving it and not just coming up with excuses to prop up fossil fuels.
Not necessarily.
Dude radiation from just being in space permanently damages your organs. They don’t even think we can survive the trip to mars, much less live there.
It’s not every day for everyone, but I used video calling every day to talk to my foreign spouse, and to talk to my little brothers when I was overseas. It’s pretty amazing overall.
Thanks, I’m interviewing at a couple places soon, fingers crossed. Considering posting up my soldering skills on Facebook buy/sell/trade groups if I don’t find anything soon to hold me over. There’s always people who need their HDMI ports or such repaired and no one around here offers it, I just haven’t had the time since I’ve been working so much. That would require making a new Facebook though, since I deleted mine years ago.
Production of commercial robots. Though, I just lost my job and the job I was going to pulled out last minute, so next week, I won’t be working on anything.
I used to be extremely critical of China And the CCP. Used to post publicly on my Facebook and other social media about them. I just got back in April from China after deprogramming myself from decades of Sinophobia, and I had absolutely no issues.
Basically all big tech companies have three letter spooks in their upper ranks. They’re all compromised and you should treat them as such.
Sure it is buddy. Keep rejecting the truth in favor of what the party tells you, works out so well. It is after all their most important demand.
Yeah Malcom X was clearly trying to divide the left.
All Chinese companies, public or private, are required to have worker democracy. They have better required benefits than I do in the US, including maternity care, sick time, overtime pay, and a lower retirement age. If you support not trading with the US and India at all, I will acknowledge your consistency, but it seems to me that it’s likely you’re operating off of outdated information.
I swam naked in the fountain at our towns courthouse as a child, and it was fine. You’re weird and creepy.