Damn straight, put export taxes til the US stops sending guns north of the border.
Done with /s
Damn straight, put export taxes til the US stops sending guns north of the border.
Oh man… I got a whoosh moment
I hate
Ohh, how I’d like to destroy that Cait Sith, never liked that little…
Try interacting with him, you will be left with no illusions
Looks neat, is VR in its future?
Is not teachers’ job to instill good morals in kids.
That would be on the parents
Side note, do not stomp AT them in bare feet (in an attempt to scare them off). They will attack your toes
Oh jeez, what did we do, what did we do…
Just a little of this, you know war time stuff
Edit: Don’t mess with the Cannuks
Do you always ask that of all your prey? Do you just like the sound of it?
Ok, so basically as it was. I had worldguard and worldedit and many more I no longer remember hehe
Ok, I am being misunderstood. The “practical effects” were amazing by the standards of the day, and are now basically a thing of the past. The ingenuity was second to none, but the light sabers, blaster bolts etc “special effects” were not the best. And yes I did see that atrocity and hate that I can’t find copies without the added crap. If George had waited another 5 or 10 years it could have been better. My main point, and it goes beyond star wars, is much of cinema and TV rely on CGI special effects and the writers hope that will get them over the line.
Clunky = takes a lot of space, expensive = self explanatory, time consuming = getting models to behave properly
Last server I hosted wasseveral years ago, forget what version, and I had set that option for the 3 people that couldn’t purchase at that time. They eventually did purchase clients and I went no cracks allowed.
Thank you
Sir, that is a lab. He will grab that very long wood and drag it to the cash crashing everything in his wake, tho I wouldn’t let him take the patio set as he may rip his teeth out trying to get it to the cash. Labs are really great dogs
I am prolly woefully out of date, but there was an option in the java server config to allow or disallow cracked clients. Please let me know if I am out of date so I can forget this info
I was not aware, nice, ty.
How can someone so “filled with the light of god” look so darn angry all the time?
Love the way you said that. Reminds me of a simpsons ep where Martin was explaining strength in numbers by breaking one stick then attempting to break a bundle but using the correct word
I think technology is the issue. When they made Star Wars, Empire, and Return the special effects tech was garbage (clunky, expensive, and time consuming) so they had to rely on good story telling and practical effects, as the special effects tech has gotten better the story telling seems to rely on the tech as opposed to overcoming the tech (this is all movies/shows not just this franchise). Iirc the death star was a bunch of models of battle ships and other things pasted together, not sure if they did fly-by-wire (Red Dwarf was really good at this practical effect) for the space battles. As an aside, we also tend to like the ones we grew up watching, I’m in the original trilogy is the best (pushin 50), but to those that were my age for the prequels think the prequels are the better series, not sure about the sequels.
Fox Entertainment doesn’t post all the facts? Colour me shocked