This week on the campaign trail, Donald Trump suggested he was open to restricting birth control or allowing states to do so. He later walked it back on Truth Social, saying he will “never advocate imposing restrictions on birth control.” President Biden and Trump are proposing vastly different visions for reproductive rights and healthcare. White House Correspondent Laura Barrón-López reports.
saying he will “never advocate imposing restrictions on birth control.”
Except for, you know, when he did just before he denied he ever would.
Donald Trump will always always always say he isn’t going to do something right immediately exactly before AND after he does it.
He was being “sarcastic”
“It was just a joke, bro.”
“You’re taking his words out of context.”
“I tell the best jokes. People say to me, great people, they say to me, ‘President Trump,’ — President, because that’s what I am. Still am. Maybe not because of the democrat’s and their fake election. It’s fake you know? We all know. But we have to play the game. When I was a child—an itty bitty child—my parents didn’t abort me! We played games. Remember master lock….”
No no no. He is telling the degenerate psycophants that come to the rallies the actual truth, but on Double-Speak Social he is telling the moderates and centrists who don’t like to “follow politics”, are too stupid and in denial that a candidate could be such a piece of shit authoritarian fascist what they want to hear so they can plausibly deny the fact they brought on fascism by saying “well he said he wouldn’t do it” on the internet.
Fuck Trump, his entire shit stain family, the republican party for trying to ruin the country and the democratic party for being too scared to try and stop it.
In the most respectful way possible, I don’t really care what this man says. He will say whatever he feels like saying and do what he feels like doing.
I think we know what he will do.
The liar lies again and this is news how?
Ranks right up there with repealing Obamacare, building the Keystone pipeline and placing bans on foreign lobbies lol… All promised, never delivered.
I’ll never forget how he wanted to “lock her (Hillary) up” but then after the election he said that the Clintons were “good people”. His inability to do the things he says sometimes gives me hope, but also there is the current Supreme Court.
Soooo… which is it? Answer: whichever gets more votes.
This is the reductio ad absurdum of the “both sides” argument. At least, it is for those keeping notes.
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