“Now I think you should nominate me or at least vote for me, and we should win together,” Trump said. “Because the Libertarians want to vote for me … and it’s very important because we have to get rid of the worst president in history.”
Trump added, “Only do that if you want to win; if you want to lose, don’t do that. Keep getting your 3% every four years.” (In 2016, Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson earned more than 3% of the popular vote – a high point in the party’s history.)
Trump left the stage after 34 minutes, marking one of his shortest campaign speeches to date. The Libertarian Party is expected to select its presidential nominee Sunday.
Wow. Once he got booed, he turned on them pretty quickly.
Yup. That’s Trump for ya. Only cares about himself.
What a nice guy he is: well, you were ugly anyway!
I’m really surprised no one has thrown a shoe at him
Well if they’re libertarians, they’re gonna openly boo him while secretly voting for him.
“We also want to be racist and stomp on the working class, but we also still want to smoke weed.” - that about sums them up. They got me because of that single issue back in the Ron Paul days before I looked deeper into everything else they were about.
Then I discovered libertarian socialism, when the whole Occupy Wallstreet thing went down. I liked that one better. Couldn’t figure out why America’s official “Libertarian” party were being such asskissers to capitalist power.
Couldn’t figure out why the American “Libertarian” party were being such asskissers to capitalist power.
Because money, of course.
There at too many words for me to keep track of. Can someone tell me the difference between a libertarian and a conservative? Cuz I’ve always been under the impression that libertarians are just rebranded conservatives, which also makes them mostly blue collar (in my mind). Is that not true? Your comment would make me think it isn’t, which confuses me because (in my mind) that would mean they’re stomping on themselves unless they aren’t blue collar. Or are we not considering blue collar workers a part of the working class?
Genuine questions, I’m not trying to be an asshole I just want to understand.
U.S. Libertarians are typically non-authoratarian right-wingers; unless the authority is business.
U.S. libertarians can be fairly radical (not conservative) in opposing pretty much everything the state does outside of operating a legal framework conducive to business. They support near zero business regulations, and as few laws as possible. A U.S. libertarian would typically be against stuff like bathroom laws, public schools, and the EPA. They typically revere Ayn Rand, and often debate age of consent laws.
Also, there is now a Mises caucus within the Libertarian party that is fascist (not conservative). They are the ones who invited Trump. TBF, the Republican party is fascist and not conservative anymore either.
Libertarians want everyone to be allowed to rape underage children, conservatives want it limited to priests, police, and politicians.
Hope they guy loses I mean he lost 3 already
He’s so obviously not prepared to deal with anyone but sycophants.
He’s trying to convince everyone like it’s a business deal. Like he has some leverage on them.
Dumbass can’t even pronounce the name of the party correctly.
Ross Ulbricht is incarcerated for creating Silk Road, a dark web commerce platform that was completely free of regulation.
Trump is indicted on 88 counts of illegally serving his own self interest at the expense of the American people.
They are not the same.
Straight to the gulag donny
When even the crazies boo you, it’s time to think about your life choices
It’s all an act. Libertarians are just Republicans who don’t want to admit it. They’ll boo him publicly, but they will vote for him
He isn’t wrong As a libertarian conservative I vote Republican because I don’t want to waste my vote on candidates who have no chance…and hell will freeze over before I’ll support the totalitarian minded socialist party that the Democrats have warped into!
Ding ding ding.
Said it before and saying it again.
I was told that OP was a Russian bot who only ever shits on Biden in an attempt to win the election for Trump by saying things centrists don’t like on a small fledgling platform.
This doesn’t seem to be shitting on Biden or the Russian propaganda that I’ve been told about.
Weird you’re simping for a random stranger when no one on this thread brought it up.
Standing up against bullying is something centrists cannot understand, for they seek the approval of bullies.
Yet, there isn’t any going on at all on this thread? Again, weird.
You’re gonna sit there and pretend that I’m not describing a broader pattern of behavior on lemmy (particularly this community) toward OP in particular?
Nah, again with the victimization.
Standing up to bullying isn’t victimization.
Yet there isn’t bullying. Those comments get removed. Calling people out on bs opinions isn’t bullying. People using strong words isn’t bullying. Grow some fucking skin, champ, this is the internet. And before you start crying about it, no, this is not bullying.
Even a dumpster fire can provide warmth occasionally.
Yes, I suppose you get joy from joining together to bully a user who says things you don’t want anyone to be allowed to say.
You’re not the victim you think you are.
I was referring to OP, not myself.
Yeah. We know. You’re always here defending them. But they’re not a victim either. So it’s moot.
I’m sorry to disappoint you. I’m currently being taken to Putin’s office.
F Trump! I laughed so hard watching him get booed. Love it.