Less rice?! Speak for yourself.
Absolute blasphemy.
How else will i have left over rice for fried rice if I make just enough?
The spinach part at least is true if you cook fresh spinach. Those leaves will just evaporate.
So is the violence part. Hitler wasn’t defeated with a sit in. The elite chose violence back in the 1950’s to destroy unions. Corrupt governments were never overthrown by asking nicely. The term “speak softly, but carry a big stick” wasn’t made up for no reason.
Violence is never an answer…
Violence is the question and the answer is YES.
Sorry summer person, I need to get inside a tight bed while it’s freezing outside to make my problems go away
I like to think these are a sequence.
Can confirm.
For lunch I had spinach and rice soup (extra spinach), while sitting outside in the sun with a nice cup of tea. Then I punched a Nazi.
It was a good day.
Also if something calls for garlic cloves you triple whatever number it says.
Triple? In our galley, “1 clove” —> 1 bulb.
When violence is the answer, its time to change the question.
What a lovely yet utterly useless statement
Someone better inform the Allied troops in WWII
Or the Ukrainians defending their homes
You’re right, violence is not the answer, it’s the question. And the answer is yes.
…with violence.
That’s a cute theory, but fascists usually aren’t interested in changing the question.
Well, then you just have to change their minds. Physically.
Never liked tea.
Really depends on the tea for me. I could go for a nice raspberry green tea.
…you can make tea out of raspberries?
You can make tea out of nearly any plant. They are infusions rather than true tea but raspberry leaf or sprig tea is damn tasty