In eighth grade we were picking roles for a reading of A Midsummernight’s Dream in English class. It has a lot of names like this, so my friend put his hand up and said:
“I wanna be Testicles!”
The teacher was laughing so hard we didn’t get anything done for the rest of the class.
And also testicles
The Greek god of fortitude, but he can’t take a hit.
Biggus Dickus is the Roman god of overcompensation.
“That sounds like a great idea…”
I saw a boat the other day called Penelope (but said like ‘antelope’).
Maybe! I dont know if the boat’s name is supposed to be pronounced “Pen-eh-lope” or if it is - literally - “Pen-el-oh-pee but said like ant-eh-lope”.
Utter mindfuck.
Haha good one
Am I doing it right?
Mole-que-lees, Part-y-clays
I would say Moe-lek-yu-lees and Parr-tik-cleese.
It’s “eh” (like in “melody” but longer) not an English “ee” (like in “meeseeks”)
Mole eck you lees
Par tick lees
Mo-leck-you-less and Par-tick-less
Needs long ees.
No I’m German, we don’t do that around here
So ‘mah leck you leez’?
Mole-cue-leys, and part-ti-cue-leys?
I was reading molecules as mo-LEH-cue-lees
And Part-eh-clees
That’s beautiful